My Purdy Dad- She's Got Looks That Kill

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 I woke up knowing today was the day that Brooke would be stopping over for her interview. Boy I really hope I made the right choice of interviewing this girl and hopefully hiring her to watch Audrey. It would make me and my dad feel more comfortable knowing that there was someone trusted watching Audrey. I heard the doorbell ring, I got up and answered the door seeing Brooke standing there.

 She was wearing a black skirt, black and white striped top, black heels, and had her hair down and simple. She looked the part for an interview, but the questioning part was the serious deal.

 "Hello" I smiled

 "Hi, I'm Brooke. I'm at the right house correct?" she said smiling

 "Yep, you're at the right house. Come in" I stepped to the side and let her walk into the house. We walked into the living room, sat down and got straight to the interview. She handed me a stack of papers, which I was assuming it was all her information and records. I took them from her and looked over them. Bingo! Information on Miss Brooke Darson.

 "So, how long have you been around children?" I asked looking at her

 "Well, I have three younger siblings, so I watched and cared for them all of my teen years. I go to nursing school and I'm hoping to work in the maternity ward. I just love babies! Your daughter is three months old?"

 "Yes, and as a matter of fact I'll go get her." I jogged to the steps and ran up to my room and picked Audrey out of her crib. "you got yourself a visitor downstairs my dear" I said smiling. I didn't notice my dad leaning on the door frame smirking when he whistled scaring me.

 "Hey, what's going on?" he asked walking in

 "Nothing, I have to bring Audrey downstairs so this babysitter can meet her. I don't know if I'm going to hire her yet, but she's along the road of hire." Then to hold me up even more I realized Audrey's diaper was wet.

 Ashley's POV

 A babysitter? Autumn didn't tell me she was hiring a sitter for Audrey. Well I guess it'll save Sammi some time from driving back and forth to her place. But I want to go downstairs and see this sitter. I walked down the steps figuring it'd be some old ass woman with glasses and wrinkles. I looked up and seen this hot chick sitting on our couch! Oh was I wrong! I walked into the living room and smiled at her. She returned the favor at me.

 "Hi, I'm Brooke. I'm here for an interview to babysit for the three month baby Audrey." she smiled. Wow! She's got a fantastic smile.

 "Uh..yeah that's my granddaughter. My daughter's baby girl" I smiled back sitting next to her. I looked down and noticed she's got great legs! I mean they were sexy! I held back from grabbing her and running my hands all over her legs and other places.

 "You look so familiar. I just can't remember where I've seen you before" she studied my face and the rest of my body.

 "Well I'm Ashley Purdy from the Black Veil Brides. You ever hear our music?" I smirked at her

 "Yeah! Oh my god! Now I know you! I saw one of your concerts back in June. I can say that you guys are freaking awesome!" she giggled. Cute giggle too. I don't see why Autumn doesn't hire her, she seemed perfect to me.

 "Thanks, I'm glad you like our music. So do you babysit a lot?"

 "Yeah, actually I did. I babysat my younger siblings and I want to work in the maternity ward at the hospital. I like being around babies, they're cute." Oh yeah! She's definitely hired in my book.

 Autumn's POV

 I finished changing Audrey and carried her down the steps. I heard some giggling and talking and thought maybe Brooke was on the phone while I left. No big deal to me. I walked in smiling getting ready to introduce Audrey, but my smile quickly faded when I saw my dad flirting with her on the couch! Dude! What the hell?! I was only upstairs for a few minutes and he's flirting with her already?! She's not even hired yet! Well now I'm not so sure if I want to hire her now.

 "Ahem, Brooke, this is my daughter Audrey." I clenched my teeth trying not to scream. She walked over and smiled at my daughter.

 "Awee! Well hello there Audrey. I'm Brooke and hopefully I'll get to be your babysitter." she smiled at my daughter. Yeah, hopefully my ass!

 "So, shall we get back to our questions? So Br-"

 "Brooke? Do you want anything to drink?" my dad cut me off. You ass! I glared at him.

 "Uhm, yes please. Could I have some water?"

 "Of course, Autumn could you go into the kitchen and get a bottle of water for her?" What the hell?! I'm the one whose supposed to be interviewing her! Not my dad. I sighed and got up handing Audrey to my dad.

 "Yeah, I guess" I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Too bad she didn't ask for a can of soda, I would of shaken it up and watched her freak out. I walked back into the living room where the dating game was being played and handed Brooke her water. I huffed and sat back down in my chair.

 "So, do you think you could be able to babysit this weekend for us?" my dad asked. What?! I didn't even get the chance to ask her more questions before I made my final decision. Pfft, guess my dad did it for me!

 "I guess I could? I mean it's your daughter's baby, this is all her choice." You're damn straight this is my choice! Well, she was nice to me and did seem to like Audrey. I checked her information, everything on the papers was good. I mean, I guess I could maybe hire her? Give her a chance. Brooke did have experience with younger children, studied child development, and wants to work in the maternity ward.

 I looked over at my dad and could tell by his eyes that he wanted me to hire this girl. I just want him to know this is girl is being hired to BABYSIT. B-A-B-Y-S-I-T! For my daughter, not to be the daily porn star for him to bang.

 "You're hired!" I smiled at her "could you start this Saturday? Say at 4 o' clock?"

 "Oh yes! That sounds great! And don't worry I won't let you down! You can count on me!" she got up and gave me a quick hug thanking me. I smiled and walked her to the front door carrying Audrey. Better not let me down.

 Ashley's POV

 Oh I couldn't believe Autumn hired her! This is awesome! I know I shouldn't of been all flirty and interrupted Autumn's interview, but I was curious. I mean Brooke just looked and seemed so perfect to babysit for Audrey. I got up and walked Brooke to the door with Autumn, she smiled giving us her phone number and walked to her car. I couldn't help but notice the way her ass looked in that skirt! Damn!! I felt somebody slap me upside my head, it was Autumn. She caught me looking.

 "Dad?! That's Audrey's babysitter! Quit lookin' at her ass! Can you not be perverted for just one day?! Or flirt with the damn babysitter!?" she was mad, I could tell.

 "I wasn't looking!" she gave me a look that said "I'm not buying it dad, so shut up right there." Busted. But come on! Brooke was freaking sexy!! "Alright, I'm sorry I won't look ever again."

 "Or no touching either when she starts!" Autumn yelled walking up the steps. Damn!

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora