My Purdy Dad- First Day of School

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 "Autumn? Are you awake? Come on time to go to school" my dad said pulling the covers off of me

 "Dad! Five more minutes, please??" I whined burying my head under Steve my pillow pet. The one CC got me for my birthday, yes I named him Steve.

 "No, or you're gonna be late on your first day back" Like I could care less? My dad sighed and grabbed my legs while I once again clung to my head board like a tick on a dog. "Killer! *whistle* Tokyo! *whistle" he whistled and then I was ambushed by two small dogs.

 "Ahh! Killer, get down! Tokyo, stop licking my face!" I screeched hiding under my covers

 "Autumn, they won't quit until you get outta that bed" I could tell my dad was laughing on the inside. Finally, I gave up and got out of my COMFORTABLE bed and glared at my dad walking to the bathroom. Oh! He's going down tonight when I get home from school. Keep laughing dad, this girl got some tricks up her sleeves.

 After showering and doing my morning ritual. I got dressed in my red skinny jeans, black BVB shirt, studded belt, and my leather boots. I teased my brown hair and applied my make up which was black eyeliner, mascara, and some clear gloss.

 I walked into my room and picked up Audrey from her crib and smiled at her. I cannot believe I have a daughter! She's a tour baby! I laughed at that thought and walked downstairs with her.

 "Dad? Who's going to be watching her while I'm at school? And when you do work related business?" I asked grabbing her a bottle and sitting down.

 "We could always hire a babysitter? If that's the case." he said pouring me some juice

 "Yeah, but who do we know that's a sitter? Especially with little babies, she's only 3 months dad. I'm not sure" I looked at Audrey while I fed her "oh Audrey what am I to do with you" I smiled at her and she looked at me and smiled back.

 "We can always ask Sammi?" Sammi! How could I forget her! Sammi is perfect and Jinxx wouldn't mind it he loves Audrey like his own.

 "Yes! Ask Sammi, she's perfect. Well dad I gotta get to school, see you later." I handed Audrey to him and kissed his cheek. I walked out and down the street to my bus stop and waited for my bus. You're probably thinking why take the bus? Have your dad drive you. Funny story about that actually.

 See one day when I was a freshman he did the wrong thing and drove me to school. Little did we know we had some crazy BVB fans waiting for us there! They swarmed the car and had us trapped in there! They also tried to tip my dad's car over! So now I just take the regular old school bus.

 Its no big deal really. I sit in the far back away from the jocks and preps, so they don't notice me. Its been working really well, never had a problem with them. Hoping it'll be the same this year too.

 My bus pulled up and I walked on and spotted someone in my seat. Who the hell took my spot?! I walked back and noticed it was another girl exactly like me! Oh yes! She had black hair, blue eyes and kinda thin, but not anorexic. I sat in the seat across from her quietly.

 "Hi" she turned to me smiling

 "Hello" I said smiling

 "I love your book covers!" she pointed to my notebooks. They were covered in BVB photos, some were me and the guys and others were just me and dad.

 "You like Black Veil Brides too?"

 "Yes! They're fuckin' awesome! I have like a serious crush for Ashley!" By the way did you know he's my dad?!

 "Really? Awesome, yeah Ashley is my favorite. By the way I'm Autumn" I extended my hand to her

 "Riley" she shook my hand. We talked all the way to the other bus stop, when the jocks and preps got picked up. Oh kill me.

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora