My Purdy Dad- I'm Not Psycho!

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 Autumn's POV

 Like I said that dream felt pretty real last night! I was so afraid to enter the damn kitchen! Jeez! I sat up and looked around the living room. Oh fuuck! I have school today! Yesterday was my last day of suspenison. I got up and walked up the steps to my room, when Brooke caught me.

 "Autumn?" she said sitting up

 "Yeah?" I answered turning around. She got up from the couch and walked over to me giving my body a tight squeeze.

 "Hey, you're talking again. How do you feel this morning?" she smiled

 "Okay, I guess. But I have to get upstairs, get dressed for school and wake up Cayden." I ran up the steps and into my room. Its not like I was trying to be rude or anything to Brooke, but I just didn't want to talk about that dream. Or associate anything with it. I walked in and saw Cayden sleeping in the bed, I walked over and laid on top of his back.

 "What the..?" he questioned turning his head around. He smiled once he realized it was me. "Well good morning my dearest." I slid off of Cayden's back and laid next to him smiling.

 "Good morning" I smiled kissing him "ew! Cayden you need to brush your teeth!" I should of known not to kiss him, but he's just so irresistible! He laughed sitting up and looked at me, he had some serious bed head and a small scratch under his eye. Where did he get that? "Hey? Where did you get that scratch under your eye?" I lightly touched it.

 "Oh, from last night. When I tried to wake you, you must have scratched me." I did that? Oh my God! I feel terrible now.

 "Oh my G- Cayden! I'm so sorry! I-" he put his lips to mine to shut me up and smiled at me.

 "Its okay, you didn't mean to do it. Now let's get dressed for school." He walked out to the bathroom while I just sat there feeling like the world's worst girlfriend. I know its just a scratch, but I never thought I would end up hurting my boyfriend. Ugh!

 Ten minutes later I walked downstairs wearing black skinny jeans, a red and white striped tank, studded belt, and red chucks. My hair was teased as usual and my make up was just some eyeliner and mascara. I walked over to the couch and sat there thinking about last night. Jeez! I swear everything in that dream felt real! I lifted up my shirt and looked down at my stomach. The only scar that was there was from when Kassie cut me when I was pregnant. No others there.

 "Autumn? What are you doing?" my dad asked walking in with Audrey

 "I just..thought there was something on me." I lied looking at him

 "Before you head off to school. Can you tell me about that dream last night? Brooke said you wouldn't step foot into the kitchen." He sat down next to me and handed Audrey to me. I looked down at her and thought she wouldn't be here because of that crazy bitch Kassie. Well here goes nothing.

 "I-I dreamt about Kassie. I walked into the kitchen and she grabbed me, threw me down the cellar and stabbed me over and o-over." I cried hugging my dad. He wrapped his arms around me and rocked me back and forth.

 "Shh, its okay. It was a nightmare, you don't have to worry about her. She's locked up for the rest of her life. Now dry your eyes and I'll drive you and Cayden to school okay?" he smiled getting up.

 "Are you sure that's such a good idea? I mean remember last time?"

 "We'll be fine, I promise. Let me take Audrey upstairs to Brooke and I'll be down." I smiled handing him my daughter and picked up my bag from the door. I walked outside and stood by the car waiting for him. Cayden walked out and wrapped his arms around me. I just smiled at him.

 "You know I love you right?" he smiled. Uh oh! Whenever Cayden says that he either did something wrong or ends up getting yelled at by me.

 "What did you do?" I raised my eyebrows at him. All of a sudden I heard my dad yell his name and come running down the steps. My dad was head to toe in baby powder. "Dad?! What happened?!"

 "Cayden put baby powder in my hair dryer! I needed to fix my hair a little, now I'm covered in powder!" he yelled dusting himself off. I looked at Cayden who was just laughing at my dad. Cayden is always the one to pull jokes on my dad around this house.

 "Hey, now you smell fresh as a baby's butt Ash!" Cayden laughed. My dad just mumbled something under his breath and told us to get in the car. There's never a dull moment in my house.

 Two hours later I was sitting at my desk in Biology class. There wasn't anything new or exciting in this class, so I started drawing random things in my notebook. I sighed and looked out the window looking around outside when I spotted...Kassie!?! I blinked my eyes a few times and saw her still standing there watching me. Wha-What the hell!?! She smirked at me and slid her finger across her throat then pointed at me.

 I screamed jerking my body around in my seat. Everyone in the classroom looked up and stared at me like I was mental or something. My teacher Ms. Jenner walked over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

 "Autumn!? What's wrong!?" she yelled

 "S-she's out there! She's outside!" I screamed pointing at the window. Ms. Jenner looked up towards the window and then back to me.

 "Who? Nobody's out there Autumn." I looked out the window and saw that Kassie was gone. I could of sworn I saw that bitch outside the school! I turned around and saw that everyone was still looking at me. Great. "Do you want to go to the nurse's office?"

 I shook my head ''yes" and waited for my teacher to write me a note. She came back and placed the small piece of paper in my hand, I gathered my stuff and walked to the door.

 "She's a fucking psychopath!" I heard somebody whisper before I left the room. I walked down the hall to the nurse's office. I wasn't a psychopath! Was Kassie really outside the school?! I just want some damn answers!

 Here's a message from Andy to Kassie XD

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now