My Purdy Dad- New York! Part 1

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 I was laying on my dad's bed with my laptop video chatting with some random fans. Soon as they asked where my dad was, the devil himself walked in. My dad came in and laid on top of me! Oh yeah, I think one of my ribs just punctured my left lung. Gah! As soon as he appeared on the screen, the girls started making the heart shape with their hands. I think one girl fainted? My dad smiled and blew kisses at the screen. I just laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

 "I'm sorry guys, but I have to cut Autumn short. Peace." he held up the peace sign and closed my laptop.

 "What was that all about?" I asked laying back on his bed

 "You're going to like this. Black Veil Brides are going on another tour." he smiled at me knowing how I love touring with them. I sat straight up and smiled at him. Really?!

 "Seriously?" I smiled

 "Yeah, we leave Thursday. I came up here to tell you start packing." I quickly sat up and ran to my room literally putting my entire closet into my bags. When it comes to packing for tours, I'm like speed racer. My dad on the other hand he usually takes his time making sure he has every piece of the house inside his bags. I made sure I had Audrey and Cayden's stuff in my bags as well and zipped them up.

 "Dad?" I called

 "Yeah? What's up?" he leant on my door frame

 "Is Brooke going with us? I mean with her being pregnant and all. Remember how it was when I was pregnant on tour?" I laughed remembering how my dad acted when we were touring when I was pregnant. I can't wait to see how he acts with Brooke.

 "Yeah, she'll be fine. I mean when we go to perform you and Cayden will be on the bus. Along with Sammi, so Brooke will be okay."

 "Okay, well I'm going to get a shower, finish some homework and then get to bed." My dad nodded his head 'okay' and walked out of the room. I can't wait for Thursday! So yesterday was Wednesday and I was pulled from school early, to make sure if we had any extra stuff that needed to be packed. I was in my room brushing my hair when the someone knocked on the door.

 "I got it!" I yelled opening the door and saw Jinxx standing there smiling. "Jinxx!" I jumped on him smiling.

 "Hey, you guys ready? Where's your dad?" he asked walking in

 "Yes! Let me go get him." I walked over to the steps inhaling a heavy deep breath and screamed. "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!" My dad ran out of his room and almost killed himself running down the steps.

 "What?! What's wrong?!" he looked at me

 "Jinxx is here, we got to go" I smiled

 "Oh. Don't ever scream like that again!" Everyone walked out of the house and got onto the bus. I walked over and laid on the couch, it feels good to be back on this bus. I smiled looking at the guys, I missed them. Its good to be back.

 Ashley's POV

 It felt good to be on this bus again! I know this tour is going to be better than the last. All the drama and crazy shit is out of our way. Everything is going to be perfect.

 "Ashley, its so cool I'm touring with you! I just hope I won't be too much of a problem for you." Brooke said sitting in my bunk.

 "You be a problem? Never." I smiled climbing on top of her. I kissed her softly on the lips.

 "They're already starting!" yelled CC. I just glared at him and hit him with a pillow. Haha! Yes, right in the face! I closed the curtain and cuddled with my girlfriend. Everything will be better than the last time.

 Autumn's POV

 I must have fallen asleep on the couch because serious pains in my legs woke me up. I sat straight up and saw that it was CC and Cayden sitting on me like I was part of the couch! What is it with everyone laying on me?!

 " guys do realize I'm underneath you, right?" I asked staring at them.

 "Yes, we are aware. But you're so comfy Autumn! You're squishy!" CC laughed bouncing on me.

 "I shall call her Squishy! And she shall be mine. And she shall be my Squishy!" Cayden laughed getting up and kissing me. Oh, this is going to be one interesting tour!

 "Woo hoo! New York! Where there is like pizza on every corner!" Jake yelled looking out the window. That boy really does love pizza!

 "Jake, I think you need an intervention. You have an addiction to pizza." I laughed ruffling his hair up, he just smiled at me. He knows its the truth. We were all glued to the windows of the bus while we drove through the streets of New York City. I always wanted to come here and explore every part of it.

 "Oh my God!" I pointed "its the naked cowboy!" this guy is like really popular in New York. He walks around in his underwear and cowboy boots, playing guitar. We have to meet him!! "Brooke, we're meeting the naked cowboy!"

 "Woah! What?!" my dad asked looking at me "the only naked cowboy that you're meeting is me!" he smirked hugging Brooke. Woah!! I just shook my head at hearing my dad say this! Yeah, tour is going to be pretty interesting.

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now