My Purdy Dad- Fainting & Lingerie

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 "The tests came back positive, Autumn! Positive! Your dad won't want this baby! I just know he won't! I-I mean I always wanted a baby, but-" I wacked Brooke right in the forehead to keep her from rambling. She rubbed her forehead and glared at me.

 "I'm sorry Brooke. But I had to do it!" I gripped her shoulders. "Now everything is gonna be fine! Just tell my dad when he gets home. He's an adult, he'll act mature." Just as I said that we heard the front door open and the dogs barking.

 "Brooke? Autumn?" my dad called downstairs. Brooke stared at me and then started running around the room frantically.

 "Uhh...upstairs babe!" she answered "Autumn! What do we do with the tests!" she ran them over to me and placed them in my hand. Aghh! Gross!!

 "I don't know!" I tossed them back to her "throw them away!" We scrambled around the room for about twenty minutes and then hid the tests under the bathroom sink. Hopefully, my dad doesn't look under there for anything. Brooke and I walked downstairs and noticed that my dad brought some guests as well. The guys.

 "Brooke! Autumn!" yelled CC giving us a bone crushing hug. Yeah, I think I just heard some of my ribs break! Oww!

 "Well you seem to be feeling better" my dad smiled hugging Brooke. "How was school today, Autumn?" he looked over at me.

 "F-fine, super!" I sat down on the kitchen table chair. I looked over at Brooke and gave her a 'just tell him now and get it over with' look. She looked back at me and gave me the 'hell no, not with all these people' look. Unfortunately, my dad took notice.

 "What are you two doing?" Brooke and I just stared at each other. We didn't know what to say! "Brooke? Is something wrong?" my dad lifted her chin so he could look at her.

 "Uhh...uh.." she stuttered looking around at the guys. They all stared at her like she was crazy or something.

 "Spit it out already!" laughed Jake

 "Uhm..A-Ashley...I-I'm..p-pregnant...heh.." Brooke looked around the room as we all gazed at her. It was silent, no one spoke.

 "Yayyy!" I jumped up and cheered. I quickly stopped when no one else was joining me, I looked like a total jackass.

 "Y-you mean..I-I'm gonna be a father a-again??" my dad stared at Brooke. She just shook her head 'yes.' All of sudden, BAM! My dad fainted on the kitchen floor! We all ran over to him and started to fan him. I ran over to the sink and wet a dish towel and placed it on his head. He started regaining consciousness and slowly sat up.

 "Dad? Are you alright?!" I checked his head for any bumps or other injuries.

 "Hm? Wha-what happened?" he looked around the kitchen confused. The guys helped him up and sat him in the chair across from mine.

 "Brooke told you she was pregnant and you fainted." Jinxx explained. My dad just looked over at Brooke, he got up and hugged her.

 "Ashley.." she whispered looking down. My dad lifted Brooke's chin up and kissed her smiling.

 "Guys, I'm gonna have another kid! I'm gonna have another baby!" he cheered with joy.

 "Sadly Ashley, but you can't have the baby. That's Brooke's job." Andy explained to my overly cheerful dad. I laughed at Andy's comment. He was right.

 "Well I did half of my share too!" Woah! Too much information dad. The guys congratulated them and I just smiled taking in the moment. I'm getting a baby brother or sister. Awesome!

 After the guys have left, it was just my dad, Brooke, Cayden, and I. Its not dark out yet, so I think I could maybe head to the mall.

 "Dad? Could we go to the mall?" I asked

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now