My Purdy Dad- Elope and You're Grounded!

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 Did I hear that correctly? Cayden asked me to marry him?! I couldn't believe he asked that? I raised my eyebrows looking at him.

 "You..want me to m-marry you?!" I asked

 "Yes, yes I do. What do you say?" he asked lacing his fingers with mine. Marriage? I'm only 16! Cayden's only 17! I know we really love each other and we have a daughter, but we can't get married. I mean am I truly ready for this step? I mean we can be engaged and still wait until we're old enough. So why not?

 "I'll marry you" I smiled at Cayden and softly kissed him. Cayden smiled and pulled me on top of him never breaking our kiss. Should we at least say something to my dad? "Cayden? Should we say anything about this to my dad?"

 "Yeah, he has a right to know. Come on, get dressed and let's head downstairs." I walked around the room gathering my clothes and fixed my extreme sex hair. I smiled and held Cayden's hand as we walked down the steps.

 "Dad? Are you down here?" I called. Brooke and my dad walked in from the outside balcony and asked what was up. I couldn't say it so I pushed Cayden in front of me.

 "I asked Autumn to marry me. Ashley, I want to marry your daughter!" he smiled looking at my dad. I have a feeling he's going to flip out.

 "Hell..NO! She's only 16 and you're 17! Wasn't it enough when you got her pregnant?! I will not let-" Oh yeah, he flipped!

 "Stop it! Stop yelling at him!" I stepped in between the most cherished men in my life. "Dad, I love Cayden. Very much, I would love to marry him. But I was thinking we don't have to get married now, we can stay engaged. Until we're ready." I looked at the both of them. Neither of them liked my idea.

 "No, I will not let you get engaged! Autumn, you're too young! I know that you guys love each other and you have a daughter. I'm happy you love each other, but I just don't want to see you make a mistake. You-"

 "Make a mistake!?! I would NEVER make a mistake marrying Cayden! He's the best damn thing to enter my life! You always try to ruin things between Cayden and I! We're getting married! We'll get a bus to Las Vegas, you'll see!"

 "You elope in Vegas and you're grounded!!"

 "Like that threat's ever worked before!" I would never make a mistake with Cayden. Ever! I pulled Cayden by the arm and walked upstairs to my room. I don't care what he says! My relationship is none of his business! I walked over and threw a luggage bag at Cayden. "Pack your stuff! We're going to Vegas!"

 "W-what?! You're really doing this?!" he asked packing his clothes. I was too mad to speak, so all I did was nod my head 'yes!'

 Ashley's POV

 "Did that really just happen?!" I looked at Brooke. She was just as shocked as me.

 "I believe so. Autumn wouldn't really run away and elope in Vegas, would she?" Brooke asked

 "I don't know, babe. She's run away before, but this time I think its more serious. She'll get scared and come home. I know my daughter like nobody else, Brooke." Brooke walked over and wrapped her arms around me. I hope she doesn't do this. I just hope

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now