My Purdy Dad- Hiring a Sitter

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After we got home and used four bottles of shampoo getting that food out of our hair. Cayden walked in from school, having a glum face on. I hope he got a part time job after school, I know he's trying really hard to bring in money.
"Hey boo boo bear!" I ran over to him and hugged him tight
"Where were you? I was looking all over the cafeteria for you. Did you get sick?" he asked looking at me worried
"About that, uhm yeah, I got into a fight this morning and now I'm suspended for ten days"
"What?! On your first day too?"
"Yeah, apparently I did some serious damage to the girl's face. So I got severe punishment, my dad isn't too please. But what can I do? So did you find a job?" I asked getting a bottle of water from the fridge.
"Well, I sort of didn't get a job" he said looking down at his feet. Oh no.
"What? Why?!" Then Cayden started laughing silently, oh I'm going to kill him!
"Sike! I got the job! I work at the local supermarket every day after school. 3pm to 6pm." I'm glad he got the job and now my dad won't worry about Cayden supporting me. He'll have money. I got up and kissed my boyfriend long and hard on the lips. During our kiss I smiled, I was happy. I was happy about everything in my life. Until you know who walked in and spoiled the moment. Yep, good ol' dad!
"Hey! That's what leads to pregnancy. You guys start kissing and Audrey's got a sibling waiting to pop out" he said laughing. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.
"Dad, Cayden got the job at that supermarket. He works from 3 to 6." I smiled wrapping my arms around my love's neck.
"How much is this place going to pay you?" he asked sitting upon the counter
"Enough. $6.00 an hour. It should be enough to help with things around the house, so don't worry Ash. Cayden smiled at me planted a kiss on my cheek. Which reminds me I need to find a sitter because I don't want Sammi to feel like she always has to watch Audrey. So I pulled up one of those care websites on my laptop and started looking for a sitter.
I need somebody who has a good attitude with young babies, doesn't drink, smoke, or do drugs. Will be willing to do their job and give one hundred percent to what their doing. I found this one girl who met my standards. Her name was Brooke, age 22, going to nursing school, and studied child development. Brown hair, green eyes, and slender. Perfect.
I dialed the number on the screen and waited for someone to pick up the phone.
"Hello?" they answered
"Hi is this Brooke, from the care website? I'm looking for a sitter to watch my daughter. She's three months old."
"Oh! I'm so glad someone called. I never thought I would get hired."
"Well, I mean could you maybe come over around 2pm and I'll ask you some questions?"
"Oh yes! That'll be fine and thank you for calling me. I just really hope I can be your sitter." No thank you I smiled to myself.
"You're welcome and I'll see you tomorow at 2 o' clock. Thank you." I put my phone down and then I thought: Am I making the right choice?
Brooke's picture ------------------------------->>

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now