My Purdy Dad- Hello My Hate

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 Ashley's POV

 Well it's been two months since Autumn's been in that coma. No signs of improvement at all. The doctors keep asking me if I want to take her off the life support, but I told them NO! I slept in Autumn's room by her side every night. If some sort of miracle happens I want to be there. I was sitting in a chair by the window looking outside. Not a single cloud in the sky today. A clear blue sky. I sighed and looked over at Autumn, she looked nothing like my daughter. Too pale, thin, bandages on her arms. That is definitely not my daughter.

 "Ashley?" I looked over to the door and saw Brooke standing there "Ashley, I think you should go home. Eat some real food, go to sleep. I can stay here with her." she said walking towards me.

 "No, I want to stay. What if she wakes up and I'm not here?" I said

 "I'm sure the doctors would call you. Ashley go-"

 "I'm not leaving her side, Brooke! I'm staying right here!" I snapped. Brooke looked at me and then bolted out of the room walking down the hall. What did I just do?! I snapped at my girlfriend and I've never done that before! Ugh! I have to get Brooke, but then I don't want to leave Autumn. I walked over to Autumn's bedside and held her hand. "Don't do anything while I'm gone." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

 I walked out of the room and down the hall searching for Brooke. Where did she run off to? I walked a little further down the hall until I reached the hospital chapel. I looked in the window and saw Brooke sitting down in front. I opened the doors and walked in sitting next to her.

 "I'm sorry I snapped at you." I lowered my head looking at my boots

 "Its fine..I understand" she sniffled wiping her face.

 "Come here" I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Brooke sighed and rested her head on my chest, while I rested my chin on top of her head. I just wish this never happened to us or Autumn. I heard the doors open and thought nothing about it. Probably just another visitor.

 "Ashley?" I looked behind me and saw that bastard Cayden standing there. What the hell is he doing here!? He's the whole reason why my daughter is dying in the hospital!

 "What are you doing here?! I don't want you around my family! You are the cause that Autumn is dying in that hospital bed!" I got up walking towards him.

 "S-she's dying?!" Oh yeah like he cares!

 "Yes! You are the cause! Go back to that girlfriend of your's Riley! You've caused enough damage here to my daughter. Get out!"

 "I think I have a right to see Autumn! She's my daughter's mother!" I can't believe this kid was actually standing his ground with me. He wasn't backing down.

 "Ashley, I think Cayden has the right to see her. Just in case anything should happen." Brooke stepped in holding my hand. Should I really let him go up there and see Autumn? Or tell him to stay away from her? I don't know what to do anymore!

 "Fine, Brooke? Could you go up there with him? I want to stay down here by myself. I need to think." Brooke nodded her head 'yes' and walked out with Cayden behind her. I sat back down on the pew sighing and thinking that Cayden actually had the nerve to come here. After so many times they've argued and fought, just..he's really did it this time. I pulled my wallet out and stared at a picture of Autumn when she was just born. Oh, that was one fun delivery!


 "Ashley! We need to get to the hospital! MY WATER JUST BROKE!!" screamed Audrey. I ran around the house making sure we had everything packed in the bag. I put Audrey in the car and drove off to the hospital. Not thirty minutes later Audrey was screaming at me and grabbing me by my shirt.

 "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!! YOU AND YOUR DAMN ERECTIONS!!" she screamed throwing her head back. I sat there feeling so bad because I really couldn't do anything. Except put a cold rag on her head or hold her hand. Unfortunately, her doctor wasn't in yet and Audrey was extremely eager to get this baby out. "UGGH!! Ashley!! I need to get..this baby OUT!!!!"

 "No! Not until the doctor arrives. Hold my hand." Audrey grabbed my hand panting looking at me.

 "Okay, okay. I think it passed" she breathed.

 "You're pushing!!"

 "No..I'm not!" Where the hell is this damn doctor!? Twently minutes later the doctor arrived just putting his coat on.

 "Oh, well hello Miss Audrey. I see that you're either having a baby or you just ate the hospital food." he laughed

 "Oh great! A funny doctor!! Just get this thing out of me!!!"

 One hour later

 Audrey was screaming in pain while she was pulling my hair out by the roots. I have a feeling that when we're done here I'm going to be bald. The doctor told her to keep pushing and then our baby would be born. I don't think I've ever heard Audrey scream so loud before and then followed by that were cries. It's a girl! The nurses cleaned her off and handed my daughter to Audrey.

 "Awee! Look at her, Ashley. Hello there baby, you tried to kill me didn't you?" Audrey laughed a little and handed her to me. She was perfect! Six pounds eight ounces! Autumn had small patches of brown hair and had the same exact nose like her mother.

 "What should we name her?" I looked at Audrey

 "It should be different. Not a name that's already been heard of." she looked towards the window and then back at me. "I have the perfect name."

 "Really? What?"

 "Autumn, since she was born in October. So I think it fits. Autumn Charlean Purdy." I smiled one of the biggest smiles when she said Autumn's last name would be Purdy. I smiled down at Autumn and kissed her tiny head. Just born and already stole my heart. <end flashback>

 My phone started ringing and I saw it was Brooke. Uh oh!

 "Hello?" I answered

 "Ashley, get upstairs! NOW!" she yelled and hung up the phone. I put my phone back in my pocket and ran back to Autumn's room.

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now