My Purdy Dad- It Was a Dream? Right?

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 Autumn's POV

 Everything is back to normal. Brooke is back to babysitting Audrey, she's dating my dad, and guess who goes back to school tomorrow? Yep, that's right. Me! I sound so enthused about going back! I'm glad Brooke is back to babysitting, she's kind of cool actually. Its nice to see my dad smiling again, I mean he does smile. But now he has a reason to because of Brooke. I'm glad she makes my dad happy.

 It was storming pretty bad tonight around 10 o' clock, I hate storms. I looked over and saw that Cayden was fast asleep in bed next to me. Lucky he can sleep through these kind of nights, I can't. I lifted my head up from my pillow and saw that Audrey was fast asleep as well. She's a pretty heavy sleeper, takes after her dad. My throat was pretty dry, so I slipped out of bed and headed downstairs.

 Its nights like this that I hate. Thunder and lightening, not a big fan. A huge flash of lightening lit up the entire kitchen and then followed by a crash of thunder. It scared the shit out of me causing me jump about thirty feet in the air. I heard some noise as I got closer into the kitchen. Probably just one of the dogs. Then I noticed the light coming from the fridge, okay maybe it isn't the dogs. I walked in the kitchen and then I was grabbed by my neck.

 I tried to fight off this person, but they were just too strong for me. They threw me down on the floor and sat on top of me covering my mouth. Okay?! I'm being attacked down here and nobody is hearing this!!? I bit the palm of their hand and ran over flipping on the light. It was Kassie! What the hell is she doing here?! She's in jail for attempted murder and arson!

 "W-what are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in jail!" I freaked looking over at the knife holder on the counter.

 "Oh I have my ways. You knew I'd be back for you and finish the job. I'm not done with you!" she said walking over to me. I ran over to the kitchen island and stood there while she did the same on the other side. I tried moving, but Kassie moved as well. I ran very quickly to the steps, but Kassie chased after me and caught me by my hair. "I told you I wasn't done with you Autumn!" she pulled me over to the cellar door.

 She opened the door and threw me down the steps. I laid on the floor not moving my body at all, I'm surprised I didn't break any bones. Or crack my head open. Kassie walked down the steps and gave me a good kick in the ribs with her hot pink heels. I rolled over holding my side groaning in pain. She pulled me up and sat me down on an old chair. Kassie took some duct tape tied my hands together and put some over my mouth. I was weak, so I just hung my head and cried.

 Next thing I knew, Kassie pulled a pocket knife out and stabbed me right in the stomach. I clenched my eyes shut and screamed from the pain I felt. I fell off the chair and laid on the cold cellar floor as I watched a pool of blood form around me. If she wants to kill me, let her. I just laid there as she kept stabbing me repeatedly. All I could do was cry and let out muffled screams.

 "Autumn!? Autumn!?" I heard, but I couldn't see who was calling my name everything was dark. It sounded like my dad, maybe Cayden? I couldn't tell because they also sounded distant. I was walking around calling out for my dad, but I couldn't find him!

 All of sudden I felt cold water being poured on me. My eyes shot open and I noticed I was in the bathtub, soaking wet. I looked around and saw my dad, Brooke, and Cayden looking at me with looks of concern on their faces.

 "W-where, where am I?" I asked looking around

 "Home, you're in the bathroom. Autumn, you were having a nightmare. Cayden couldn't wake you, so he ran in and got me. We had to put the shower on and wake you up. Everything is okay, you're fine" reassured my dad. He extended his hand out lifting me from the tub and wrapped a towel around me. I was dreaming? But, but everything felt so real! The stabbing, the coldness of the floor. Everything!

 "Come on, we'll get you into some warm clothes and I'll make you some hot tea. Okay?" Brooke walked over and put her arm around me and walked me back to my room. I got out of my wet clothes and slipped on my Hello Kitty pj pants and BVB shirt. Brooke came in the room and told me to go downstairs into the kitchen with her. I didin't want to, I was too scared. "Come on Autumn" she smiled and walked me down the steps.

 Brooke walked into the kitchen and headed over to the pantry to get a tea bag. I just stood there not stepping a foot into my own kitchen! Brooke got the tea bag, put the water into the kettle and set it on the stove. She walked over and put a hand on my shoulder.

 "Autumn? Are you okay?" she asked. I just stood there looking into the kitchen shaking my head "yes." Brooke walked me over to the couch and sat next to me putting a blanket over me. "Are you sure you're fine?" All I could do was just shake my head "yes." I couldn't open my mouth I was too petrified. The kettle started to make that damn loud whistling, indicating that the water was ready. Brooke got up, took out a mug and poured the hot water into it.

 I watched Brooke as she placed the tea bag and started dunking it repeatedly. She walked in with the mug and handed it to me. I wrapped my hands around the mug and sipped the tea slightly, letting the hot liquid run down my throat. Brooke sat next to me and started to soothingly rub her hand up my back. My dad walked into the living room and sat next to her looking over at me.

 "Is she okay?" he asked

 "Yeah, I made her some hot tea. I hope it helps her, she won't speak Ashley. All she does is shake her head 'yes' or 'no'." She looked over at him with a worried look on her face. My dad sighed walking over to me and looked at me. He pushed a stray piece of hair from my eyes and tucked it behind my ear.

 "Autumn? What happened? What did you dream about?" he rubbed my arm in a circular motion. I tried opening my mouth, but nothing would come out. Did I scare myself that bad that I couldn't talk?!

 Ashley's POV

 I tried talking to Autumn and asking her what she dreamt about. It had to be something pretty bad that it caused her to become mute. I stared at Brooke not knowing what to do or say, she just looked at me. I sighed and looked at Autumn, she wasn't even looking at me. She was staring into the kitchen. Did she have a nightmare about something in there?

 "What happened after you guys walked downstairs?" I asked looking over at Brooke

 "I told her that I would make her some hot tea to relax her. Ashley, she wouldn't go in the kitchen. She just stood there." she told me. What the hell? Autumn had to dream about something in that kitchen. But I really can't discuss this at two in the morning if she won't talk. I'll get her talking tomorrow. "Come on let's take her back upstairs."

 "Ashley, she's scared to death. She won't move or speak, I'll stay down here with her tonight. Go back to bed babe." This is why I like Brooke, she's nuturing and knows how to comfort someone. I'm glad Autumn hired her back.

 "You sure?" I walked over to the steps.

 "Yes, I'll be fine." She smiled at me and I headed back up the steps to my room and got back in the bed. I'm just really curious to what frightened Autumn so bad.

 Autumn's POV

 I woke up on the couch and felt an arm around my back. I looked up and noticed it was Brooke laying there with me asleep. How the hell did I get down here? Then I remembered, I had that realistic dream about Kassie. It felt so real though! I hope it was a dream.

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن