My Purdy Dad- Don't You Say Goodbye

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 I looked up and saw Kassie standing there in the door smirking. That bitch! She took us here! She captured Brooke! I am going to kill her!!

 "Kassie! I should of know it was you! I had a feeling it was you!" I screamed at her

 "Aren't you smart!" she smirked at me. I got up and started walking towards her getting ready to bash her skull in when she pulled a gun to my face. "If I was you, I wouldn't think about laying a hand on me. A bullet can do a lot more damage! Plus, you would want to see your baby girl again, right?" Kassie said smiling. She had Audrey!??!?!??! She better not hurt her!!

 "You have my baby?!? Where is she?!" I cried

 "Right here. Alex!" she called. I could of dropped dead when I saw my mom's sister walk into the room holding my daughter. I started to cry when I saw Audrey sitting in Alexandra's grip. I tried to run over to her, but Kassie clicked down on the trigger of the gun. "Don't worry, Autumn. We'll take good care of her."

 "Why are you doing this?! We didn't do anything to you! Especially Brooke! You barely know her!" I screamed as tears ran down my face.

 "I always get my way. I wanted your dad and I had him, until you ruined everything! After I'm done with you I'm going back to get your dad. Just think of staying in here as being grounded, since I will be your mother! I'll get your dad!"

 "You'll NEVER be my mother! My dad hates you with a burning passion! So do the rest of the guys! We all hate you, you're nothing but a crazy, heartless, pyscho bitch! You're just jealous because my dad saw the rotten in you! Now he has something better! You're just a washed out slut!" After I said that Kassie pistol whipped me in the face. The blow to my face sent me falling back to the floor crying in pain. I saw the blood running off my face as it hit the floor.

 "Don't you worry, I'll be back. Mommy loves you Autumn!" Kassie yelled as she shut the door and walked away. I can't believe this is happening to me! I crawled back over to Brooke and held her in my arms.

 "Brooke, wake up. Come on its time for the guys to do their show." I cried rocking her motionless body.

 "A-Autumn?" she spoke. I looked down and smiled at her.

 "Yes! It's me Brooke! I'm here!" Brooke opened her eyes and stared at me. "Keep talking to me, Brooke!" I stroked her hair

 "I-I hurt..m-my hurts." she cried. I looked around the room bringing in all the surroundings. The room was dirty, there was a lightbulb hanging in the center of the ceiling, it was cold, and had no windows. There was only one door that was our escape. I ran over to the door and banged on the door screaming. I ran my hands down it and saw that there was no handle, it was locked from the outside. I screamed once more and kicked the door. I grabbed my hair in frustration and slid down the wall crying. Why?! Why me?! Why Brooke?! My chest buzzed and I just realized I slipped my phone into my bra! My dad told me that if you have no pockets, your bra is the best place!

 I pulled it out and looked at it. 10 New Messages from Dad and Cayden. The newest was from my dad, it read: Where are you?!? First Brooke goes missing, now you too! We're looking for the both of you! Ugh! No service! I walked around the room trying to get at least one bar! Finally, I stood over by the corner of the room and text my dad back: Dad! Kassie has me and Brooke in some room!!! I don't know where this place is at. She has Audrey too. Alexandra is helping her as well! Call the police A.S.A.P!!! Brooke is hurt! I stuffed my phone back into my shirt and sat next to Brooke trying to keep her awake.

 Ashley's POV

 I just sent a text to Autumn asking where the hell she went! Brooke went missing and then Autumn can't be found! Just fucking perfect! My phone vibrated and I looked at the text. Thank my lucky stars! It was Autumn! I read the message about thirty times and then threw my phone across the room. Almost hitting Jake.

 "Woah! Dude!?" he yelled "was that Autumn? Who was it?!"

 "It was Autumn. Call the police! Kassie has them locked up somewhere and she hurt Brooke!" I screamed. I ran over to the door and opened it to finding myself face to face with the dirty bitch herself. Kassie!

 "Ashley!" she squeeled hugging me tightly. I violently pushed her away from me and pinned her against the wall. "oooh Ashley! I like it when you get kinky!" she smirked

 "Where the fuck is my daughter?! Where's Brooke!? If she's hurt..I swear!- that's when that nasty bitch planted her lips on mine! I broke the kiss and pushed away from me. "Kassie, I'm calling the fucking cops!" I pulled out my phone and Kassie pulled out a gun.

 "No you're not" she wrapped her tan finger around the silver trigger. "Come with me and only you!" Kassie pointed the gun at my face and I surrendered walking with her to the car. We got in the car not saying a word to each other. My phone started to ring in my pocket, so I reached to answer it. "Don't answer it! Give me the phone!" Kassie demanded. I took my phone from my pocket and handed it over.

 Next minute we pulled up to some old abandoned building. I opened my door and stepped out of the car standing there.

 "Come on! Move!" Kassie pointed the gun into my back. I walked slowly to the door and she opened it ordering me to keep walking down the hallway. What did I really see in this girl?! I had to be drunk when we met. Kassie opened a door and I saw Autumn and Brooke laying in the corner huddled together. Like they were cold.

 "Why?!? Why are you hurting them? If it's anybody that deserves's me" I said as a tear fell down my cheek

 "This is what you get for kicking me off your bus! I wanted you Ashley!! Then your perfect little daughter came along and ruined everything!-"

 "You stole my credit card! You used my credit card for your selfish needs! You needed to be kicked off of that bus!"

 "Dad?!" I turned around and saw Autumn try sitting up, but she was too weak. I ran over to her and held her to my chest. Autumn was freezing.

 "I'm right here. Shh, you're ok." I stroked her hair back

 "Awwe isn't that sweet? Too bad it has to end, Audrey won't get to see her mommy no more!" Kassie walked in and pointed the trigger at Autumn. From the corner of my eye I saw Brooke pulling herself across the floor! She's alive! All of a sudden Brooke grabbed Kassie by her ankle and pulled her down. Hard! Brooke gave Kassie's face some pretty hits. Until a gunshot was fired and Brooke fell over.

 I ran over and saw Brooke laying there holding her stomach. No!! Not the baby! I kneeled down to her and held her in my arms crying.

 "A-Ash..ley" she said barely above a whisper. I smiled down at her and rubbed her cheek.

 "Yes baby?" I cried

 "Goo-goodbye" she put her hand on my face slightly rubbing it. No!! Brooke don't leave me!

 "No! Don't you say your goodbye, baby" I hugged her. All of a sudden the police bursted in the room and put Kassie in handcuffs. Followed behind the police were the guys as well. Two of the cops called for an ambulance to get here. Quick! When the paramedics got there they loaded Brooke and Autumn onto stretchers and sped to the hospital. I got into the ambulance with Brooke and Jinxx rode to the hospital with Autumn. Please keep these two amazing, talented, beautiful girls in my life.

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now