My Purdy Dad- Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

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 Well its been a month into our tour and things are going good. I haven't had an episode or seen any girls like made me think it was Kassie. Life is going splendid! As for school I've been getting my lessons over the internet and no problems so far. Today we're in Tennessee and believe me, it is hot as hell! Brooke has a doctor's appointment today to see how the baby is and if it's a boy or girl. My dad said he doesn't care as long as it's healthy. But we really know he wants a boy, that's all he talks about. I'm happy because I get to tag along with them. So yay!

 "Ms. Darson?" a nurse called. We got up and walked to the exam room "the doctor should be in shortly." she said walking out the door. Brooke hopped up on the table and waited for the doctor to enter. Being in this place brings back some fond memories. There was a knock on the door and a slim, brown haired woman walked in. I'm assuming this is the doctor?

 "Hello, Brooke. I'm Dr. Hettlock and I'll be your doctor throughout your pregnancy." she smiled shaking hands with all three of us. It started off with the usual "Do you smoke or drink?" questions which I sometimes think they already know the answer, but we're here to see a baby! Brooke's shirt was lifted and the little show was started.

 "Okay, there's the feet and the arms" the doctor pointed to the screen. I poked my dad in the side and smiled at him, which he smiled back at me. "Do you want to know the sex?" Brooke looked over at my dad and raised her eyebrows at him.

 "Sure." replied Brooke smiling. The doctor moved the ultrasound wand around some more then smiled at us.

 "Congratulations, it's a healthy little boy." she smiled. A boy?! I'm getting a brother!? My dad is probably screaming with excitement and joy on the inside. No doubt. I'm happy too, never would of thought of having a brother. A sister maybe? But not a brother, but I'm happy. So it doesn't matter. We walked out of the clinic and my dad started screaming to the heavens!

 "YES!! I'M GETTING A SON!!!" he shouted causing people to stare.

 "Okay dad, calm down" I laughed squeezing his hand. He was really happy, but who could blame him.

 Ashley's POV

 We headed back to the bus after Brooke's appointment. I couldn't wait to get back and tell the guys the awesome news! I'm getting a son! Don't get me wrong, I would of been happy with another girl, but having a son. I think that's just every guy's dream. We got back to the bus and I darted straight to the doors and flew inside.

 "Woah! Slow down dude!" yelled Andy

 "How was Brooke's appointment? The baby ok?" asked Jinxx.

 "Yeah, the baby's fine! It's a boy!!" I yelled jumping around like a maniac. The guys cheered me on and said their 'Congrats' and other stuff along the line. I think today was the greatest day of my life!

 Autumn's POV

 Tonight the guys had a free day to what they wanted. So we all went to this Japanese steakhouse to get some sushi. I loovee sushi! Its like a party in my tummy! We walked in and got seated at our table and quickly ordered. I was having a good time, no more like an awesome time. No, we didn't start another food fight. Just me hanging out with the best people that I love to call my family.

 "I'll be right back. I'm gonna use the ladies' room" I excused myself getting up from the table and walking to the bathroom. I did what I needed to do and walked over to the sink washing my hands. I heard someone in another stall, no big deal. Then they walked out.

 "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all." I heard. I turned around and couldn't believe who was standing there in the same bathroom as me! Kassie!

 "W-what are you doing here?! You're in jail!" I panicked

 "I got parole! Isn't that wonderful!" she squeeled. NO!?

 "U-uhm..I s-should going. I-I mean my-" I tried walking to the door

 "No, don't go. Let's talk." she grabbed my arm. This couldn't be for real!? I mean this girl tried to kill me and my unborn baby! She tried to burn our house down too! I was so grateful when Brooke walked in. My saviour!

 "Autumn? I just came in here to get you. Your dad was worried about you, so he sent me. Who is this" she asked pointing to Kassie


 "I'm an old friend. My question is, who are you?" Kassie cut me off again

 "I'm Brooke. Her dad's girlfriend." I really wish she didn't explain herself to this crazy bitch! I walked over and pulled Brooke out of the bathroom.

 "Come on Brooke!" I got out of there quickly as I could. "Brooke, don't you ever talk to that girl! She's crazy! Okay, she tried to kill me when I was pregnant! Her name is Kassie and she's bad news around us Brooke." We walked back to the table and sat back down with the guys. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything to Brooke. I just wanted to get my point across to her, so she knows what she's dealing with.

 "Everything alright, Autumn?" my dad asked. Do I tell him I just ran into that nut ex girlfriend of his? Or do I keep my mouth shut.

 "Yeah, I just felt like I was sick. Maybe something upset my stomach." I lied. As long as that little encounter doesn't effect us we should be good. After that we paid our bill and left getting back on the bus. Later that night, I just didn't feel right for not telling the truth to my dad. I got up from his bunk and searched for him on the bus.

 "Dad?" I called walking to the front

 "Yeah?" he responded sitting up on the couch

 "I need to talk to you." He smiled and patted the spot next to him on the couch.

 "Well that's why I'm your dad. Always here to listen to your problems" he smiled at me. I sat down on the couch and sighed.

 " when we went to that sushi bar. When I was in the bathroom..I saw Kassie.." I frowned somewhat. The room was so silent, all you could hear was the sound of the bus's motor running.

 "A-are you sure it was her? You didn't have another episode?"

 "No! It was her! She grabbed my arm and..and I just don't want to talk about it anymore." I started to cry a little. My dad pulled me into his chest and held me wiping my tears away.

 "No, don't cry. I won't let her hurt you, Audrey, Brooke, or Cayden. You're going to be ok, and I'll make sure we have extra security at the shows." he kissed the top of my head.

 "Okay, I'm just really scared dad. What if she tries hurting us again!?"

 "I just told you. We'll have extra security and when you're on the bus. I'll make sure the driver is with you and Brooke and keeps the doors locked. Now go lie down and get some sleep, get your mind off of this." I got up and walked back to his bunk and got dressed for bed. I just can't believe Kassie got parole!

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now