My Purdy Dad- What Was That?

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 Ashley's POV

 Well its been two months now that me and Brooke started dating. Tonight, I want to treat her like a princess and take her to dinner. Brooke is working a new job now, she still watches Audrey for Autumn. But now she works at the local coffee shop. I wonder if she's on break, I could text her. See if she wants to go out tonight? I picked up my phone and texted Brooke.

 A: Hey babe, are you on break?

 B: Hi babe. Yes :) what's up love?

 A: I was curious if you wanted to go out tonight? Just you and me

 B: Yeah, sure. Del Taco?

 A: Lol! No, a nice romantic dinner :)

 B: Awee! Okay, well I need to get back darling. <3 you!

 A: Dress sexy too ;) <3 you too. I think tonight I'm going to tell Brooke that I really do love her. She's everything I've been looking for. I still miss and love Audrey, but she would want me to move on and be happy. Well I am happy.

 Autumn's POV

 Cayden and I were laying on my bed together cuddling with our little girl. She's the perfect daughter, I just can't wait until she becomes a teenager. I laughed at the thought and didn't think Cayden heard me.

 "What's so funny?" he laughed looking at me

 "I was just thinking about when Audrey's a teenager. Like us, she'll get in trouble, get a boy-"

 "She's not dating until she's forty!"

 "Forty?! So you want her to be a forty year old virgin?!" I laughed

 "Yes! No boys for you young lady." Cayden giggled as I set Audrey on his stomach. "You're going to live with daddy forever!" Audrey giggled and pulled a good amount of Cayden's hair from his scalp.

 "Ahhhh!! Owww!!"

 "I'm going to assume that's a hell no?" I laughed while he handed her back to me rubbing his head. "Awee someone has a boo boo!"

 "Kiss it"

 "I don't kiss strange men." Cayden's mouth dropped into an "O" shape and then stuck his tongue out at me. I love my little family. I saw my dad walking past wearing dress clothes again. Hm, must be taking Brooke out to dinner. Wait? Why wear dress clothes to Del Taco? Oh! Duh Autumn! Its a romantic dinner. He's really serious about her. I smiled as I watched him walk past my door about eighty times or so.

 Ashley's POV

 "Okay, I called the restaurant and reserved the table. Roses, where are the roses?!" I freaked. I looked over to the counter and saw them sitting there. I'm going nuts! Brooke is upstairs getting ready. I told her I'd wait down here until she was done.

 "Ashley? Are you ready?" she called down the steps.

 "Yes I am" I called back. I heard her walking down the steps and awaited to see how beautiful my girlfriend looked. I couldn't believe it! She had this strapless blue dress on, silver heels. Her hair was down and flowing! Brooke had some eyeliner and mascara on, she was absolutely breathtaking.

 "Wow! You look amazing Brooke!" I looked her up and down. It was like she stepped out of a catalog!

 "Thank you, babe." she smiled. I smiled back at her and handed the roses to her. I hid them when she walked in from work. "Ashley! I love them! They're beautiful." Brooke inhaled their aroma and kissed my cheek.

 "Roses are beautiful, but they could never outdo you." I kissed her on the lips and got a vase for the roses. Brooke linked her arm with mine and we headed out the door. I was a complete gentleman and opened the car door for her and we drove off. I opened the door for her when we got there and told the host we had a reservation under "Purdy." We got seated and already started the perfect night with wine and candlelight.

 "So Ash, what's the special occasion?" Brooke smiled at me

 "You're the special occasion, babe." I reached across the table and held her hand looking into her eyes. She was amazing! I loved Brooke! I really wanted to tell her how I felt about her.

 "Ashley, tell me" she chuckled. I took a deep breath and looked at her flawless glowing face. Awe man! This is going to be harder than I thought!

 "W-well, Brooke..I..uhm" I couldn't say it!

 "You what babe?" I looked around the restaurant to see if I could get my mind off of things. I spotted a blonde haired, tan figure in the place. Was that? Noo! Couldn't be. "Ashley?" I snapped out of it and focused my attention back on Brooke.

 "Brooke, I-I.....I love you." I smiled at her and waited for her reaction. She scooted closer to me and kissed me softly on the lips.

 "I love you too." Brooke smiled kissing me again and then of course I thought: If we both said we love you to each other, why not make it official? Yep! Blow this place and head back home! I may have stopped being single, but I'll never stop being a pervert!

 "Let's go home" I smirked winking at Brooke. She got the message and we dashed out of there heading back home. I hope the kids got their earplugs tonight! ;D

 Brooke's dress ---------------------------------------------->>>

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now