My Purdy Dad- Hello There

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 Its been a few months into my dad and Brooke's engagement. As for me and my daughter, I'm still single and Audrey walks around getting into everything. Brooke is eight months pregnant and looks like if you stuck her with a needle..she'd pop! Her and my dad don't want to know what the baby is, they want a surprise. We're still in Los Angeles, taking a break from touring. I still see the guys every once in awhile, but not often enough. I go to my therapy sessions two times a week. They helped me deal with the cutting, but no one is going to fix my broken heart. Only me.

 "Autumn, Brooke and I are going out with the guys. You want to join us?'' my dad asked walking in my room. I'm kind of stuck in the middle now. I want to go hang out, but then I just don't want to. I'm depressed.

 "Yeah..I guess I can go" I put on a fake smile and head over to my closet. I pulled out some skinny jeans, black tank top, and my cowboy boots. Just some eyeliner tonight, its not like I'm dressing up for anyone special. We got in the car and drove off to to another sushi bar as always. We walked in and took our seats with the guys.

 "Hey guys!" yelled CC hugging us "hellooo in theree little baby!" he screamed at Brooke's stomach poking it. So strange, but I love him dearly. Our food came to our table and we chowed down like we never ate before. I lovee sushi!

 "Ouch!" Brooke grabbed her stomach

 "Brooke? Are you ok?! What's wrong?!" my dad freaked out

 "Not-OWW! WE HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL! THE BABY IS COMING!" Brooke screamed. We all jumped up from the table and assisted Brooke to the car and drove to the hospital. I sat in the backseat with Brooke while my dad drove like a speed demon.

 Ashley's POV

 Brooke can't be going into labor!? She still has another month left! I drove up to the hospital entrance, Autumn got out and ran back with a wheelchair. Autumn pushed Brooke inside and I went to park the car. After doing so I ran back inside and walked up to the front desk.

 "My daughter just wheeled in my fiance Brooke Darson. Can you tell me what room she's in?!" I asked.

 "Oh, yes! Room 528, 5th floor" she said. I thanked her and caught the first elevator upstairs looking for Brooke's room. I spotted it and ran in bursting through the door, bad timing though. Brooke was changing into a gown. Not like I never saw her naked before, but I don't think she's going to like it in her condition.

 "Ashley?!" she yelled. I closed my eyes and shut the door waiting until she was done. Autumn walked outside the room and pulled me in. I took a seat next to Brooke and held her hand smiling at her. "Well, here we are. Gonna be parents soon, you ready?" she squeezed my hand.

 "Well, if I can deal with one teenager. What's one more going to do" I smiled.

 "Dad, I'm gonna go take a walk down the hall. I'll be back" Autumn said walking out the room. She's still really hurt from Cayden. I wish there was anyway I could take away her pain. Brooke squeezing my hand snapped me out of it. And several fingers!

 Autumn's POV

 I walked down the hall and stood outside the nursery looking at all the babies. Adorable! I remember when I was here looking at Audrey. Precious moment. I smiled thinking back about it.

 "Remember we were here?" I turned around and saw Cayden standing there holding a teddy bear. I didn't want to deal with him right now, so I put my attention back on the babies. "Come on, Autumn. Please talk to me! Just say anything!" he stepped closer to me.

 "Why are you here?" I asked rudely

 "Your dad posted about Brooke on Twitter. I came here because I knew you'd be here..and I got the new baby a little gift." I looked down at the floor, Cayden can be such a jerk sometimes, but in all he's a sweetheart.

 "Where's Riley at?"

 "I broke up with her..I-I told her I wanted you back." Hearing that caused me to snap my head up and look at Cayden like he grew another head. He couldn't be serious.

 "You..don't mean that" I walked over and leaned my back against the wall

 "Yes, yes I do. You probably don't believe me when I say it Autumn, but I do! Riley was the first one to flirt with me and I..just got sucked in. I never mean't to do any harm to you or our daughter. Riley and I only lasted a month. Riley asked me how I felt about her and I told her I'm in love with you! She flipped and threw me out of her house. I was lucky enough to have some money and I got a cheap hotel room. I need you in my life, Autumn. You don't understand how bad I need you." Cayden walked over and crashed his lips on mine. Electricity went all through my body.

 "A-and you..really mean this?" I stared at him almost crying

 "Yes! You don't ever have to worry about Riley again! She hates me and I promise you I'm going to be by your side no matter what! Autumn Charlean Purdy, I love you!" Cayden kissed me roughly and pinned me against the wall. When we came back air I stood there staring at him.

 " Cayden" I smiled and kissed his nose.

 Ashley's POV

 "Alright, Brooke. One more push and the baby will be here" Brooke's doctor told us

 "Come on, babe. You're doing great" I encouraged Brooke pushing back her hair.

 "YOU..D-DID THIS..TO MEE!" Brooke screamed grabbing my shirt collar. After that little episode we heard the crying of a baby.

 "Congradulations! It's a boy!" the doctor exclaimed holding up my son. He turned around and handed him to the nurse to get cleaned off. "'s twins! It's a girl!" TWINS?! I heard that and all of sudden I fainted and it went black.

 "Dad!? Dad? Are you ok?" I heard. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Autumn, Cayden, and the guys staring at me. I felt my head and noticed there was a piece of gauze on my head.

 "Wha-what happened?" I asked looking around

 "You fainted. But dad, you and Brooke had twins!" I looked over and saw Brooke holding two little small bundles. One had a pink knit hat on and the other one had a blue knit hat on. I smiled and looked into my children's faces, they were beautiful.

 "Can I hold one?" asked CC. Brooke smiled and handed over the little boy. "Oh, this is so awesome! We got another man to join our legacy! What are you guys naming him?"

 "Well, his name is going to be Ashley Xander Purdy and our little girl's name is Chasity Emerald Purdy." Brooke said.

 Autumn's POV

 I smiled down at my little brother and sister in my arms. They were so precious, I loved them already!

 "Hey there, guys. I'm your big sister and I'm going to take extra special care of you." I smiled and kissed their tiny heads. Can't wait until they start driving my dad insane! XD

 The twins ----------------------------------->> <3

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now