My Purdy Dad- Missing

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 I woke up the next morning feeling a lot better from last night. My dad made me feel really comfortable after our talk. It was nice. Right now we're in North Carolina getting ready for our show and I am so pumped up! I had about four cans of Monster today and I'm literally bouncing off the walls!

 "CC! I'm going to kill you! You gave my daughter Monster! Ugh, now she'll never sleep!" my dad cried

 "Noo! Don't kill my friend! Bad daddy!" I smacked my dad's hand laughing. I ran over and hugged CC very tightly.

 "Ahh! Can't breathe!! Air! I need air!" CC managed to say. I let him go laughing and walked to the bathroom to change. I changed into my black leather pants, white BVB tank, studded belt, and black leather cowboy boots. And always I did my warpaint like my dad's. I was definitely ready to rock! Brooke walked in and let me apply some paint to her face as well. She was absolutely a part of my family now. My dad popped in and smiled at us.

 "Oh yeah, there's my Purdy girls" he laughed. I just shook my head at him finishing Brooke's warpaint and we headed to the venue for the show. I carried Audrey with me inside the venue and took my usual spot. Standing off to the sides watching. The show was going really well, the fans were energized tonight.

 "Hey, I'll be right back. I'm going to get a drink of water." said Brooke

 "I'll go with you" I said

 "No, I'll be fine. You stay right there." She walked down the hall heading to the water cooler. Brooke should be fine, right? I guess so? I turned around and looked at the stage watching my dad. He was really having a good time out there. Then I thought: "I'm going with Brooke." I walked down the hall and made a left turn coming face to face with the water cooler. Brooke wasn't there. The bathroom was only three steps down, so I walked in and look underneath the stalls.

 "Brooke? Are you in here?" I called out. No one responded. I ran out of the bathroom and back down the hall, maybe she's in the dressing room. I got to the room and opened the door looking around for Brooke. "Brooke? Come on! This isn't funny if you're playing a joke!" I closed the door behind me and ran to the stage. Thankfully, the guys were tuning their instruments while Andy spoke to the crowd. "Dad!" I screamed waving my arms the best I could. He heard me and looked up walking over.

 "Yeah? Where's Brooke?" he asked

 "I don't know! She told me she was getting a drink and she didn't return! I checked the bathroom and the dressing room. Dad, I can't find her! What are we going to do?!" My dad was scared, you could tell. I knew he was worried, especially with the baby. "Dad, go back out and I'm going to see if Brooke got back on the bus." He said 'okay' and ran back out on stage while I walked outside to the bus.

 Cayden was still on the bus and the doors were locked. So I started banging on the bus doors screaming for Cayden.

 "Cayden! Cayden!? Open the doors!" I shouted. I was relieved when I saw him walk over to the doors and open them. "Cayden, is Brooke on the bus? I can't find her anywhere inside!"

 "No, she never came here. It's just me and the driver. Where do you think she went off to?" Cayden asked

 "I don't know! But I need to find her!"

 "I'll help you find her" Cayden ran off the bus and we went back inside the venue and looked all over the place for Brooke. She has to be around here somewhere. Brooke wouldn't go too far in a place she's never been to before.

 Ashley's POV

 "Thank you North Carolina! You were awesome!" Andy shouted into the mic. North Carolina was amazing! This crowd was so full of energy! But I wasn't concerned about that anymore, I was more worried about Brooke. Autumn told me that Brooke went to get a drink of water and she never came back. I'm really worried about where she could have gone too. I mean Brooke's carrying my unborn child! Andy walked over to me and looked at me. He knew something wasn't right.

 "What's wrong?" he asked

 "Brooke is missing! Autumn can't find her!" I panicked running off the stage to our dressing room.

 "What do you mean missing? She can't be too far!" I ran in the room and grabbed my jacket. This is great! Just fucking great! I put on my jacket and ran outside.

 "Ashley! Ash wait up!" Jinxx called after me. Please! Please let Brooke and the baby be safe! I called her phone and I got no answer just her voicemail. Ugh! This cannot be happening!

 Autumn's POV

 Cayden and I were walking around inside the venue again once the fans left. Cayden checked around the rooms and hallways. I went around the stage and where the crowd was standing, Brooke wasn't anywhere in this place. All of a sudden something hit my head and all I could see was darkness. What the hell just happened?

 A few minutes later I woke up being rather cold. My head was throbbing with this unbearable pain I couldn't control. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, I was in some old dirty room. Where the hell am I? Where's Audrey?! I sat up and felt the back of my head feeling a wet spot. I pulled my hand back and looked at it. Blood.

 "Mmhm" I heard looking over and saw that Brooke was laying in the same room as me! I got up and crawled over to her and slightly shook her.

 "Brooke!? Brooke! It's me Autumn! Wake up!" I cried shaking her. Brooke groaned some more then her eyes shot right open and looked into mine. Those eyes, I know the look in them. Her eyes were glossy and her pupils were dilated. Brooke was in pain. Pure physical pain. I held Brooke in my arms and cried. I looked at her and pushed her hair out of her face. "Come on Brooke."

 "Well look here. Your're awake." I heard. I looked up and saw the most evil demon of them all!

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now