My Purdy Dad- Second Chances

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 Autumn's POV

 I woke up to the sun blaring directly in my face. Ughh! Damn California sun! Why must you be so bright?! I turned over and saw there was a note sitting on my nightstand. I rolled over and picked it up and it said: Autumn, go downstairs into the kitchen. I have something for you- Love Dad. Hmm? Wonder what he has? I hope its keys to a Harley Davidson! I picked up Audrey from her crib and walked down to the kitchen. "So what do you think grandpa has for me?" I asked Audrey as I put her into her high chair.

 I turned around and saw there was a vase full of red roses! There was a small card attached to them that had my name on it. I picked up the card and read it outloud.

 "Autumn, I'm sorry about last night. I know how much you trusted Brooke and I'm sorry I screwed it up. Cayden and I had a nice talk about this yesterday night. You're probably thinking I'm trying to bribe you so you'll hire Brooke back. But I'm really not, but I am trying to make up for last night. Get dressed nice tonight and I'll take you out to dinner. Love, Dad." Wow! I couldn't believe my dad had a heart to heart talk with my boyfriend! Especially, when Cayden and I would get into fights and my dad always threatned him. But dinner? Woah didn't expect to see that coming!

 Ashley's POV

 "So dude, you seriously had a talk with your daughter's boyfriend? My ex's dad tried talking to me when I was Cayden's age.." said CC

 "And what happened?" I asked

 "He chased me down the street with a baseball bat. Scariest shit in my life, never dated her again!" he walked back to his drum set and started adjusting his cymbals.

 "So what are you going to do about Autumn?" Jinxx asked

 "Well I had some roses sent to the house, hope she likes them and I'm taking both her and Brooke out. They just don't know." I said

 "You really think that's such a good idea? I mean you did try to get down this girl's pants right?" asked Jake

 "Yeah, I think its a good idea. I think Brooke deserves a second chance. And no I didn't try getting into her pants. I really like this girl you guys."

 "Woah! Never thought you'd be so serious about a girl, dude. Just be careful, remember what happened when you thought Kassie was serious?" Jake warned

 "Yeah, she was a serial killer! Crazy bitch!" CC laughed and hit his drums like they do in comedy clubs. They were right I should be careful. But Brooke is so different from Kassie, she's different from any girl I dated. Well, maybe except Audrey.

 "Just be careful, we don't want to see you guys hurt again." Andy said patting my shoulder. After my little talk with the guys we started to practice some songs. Didn't take long, just practicing for another tour we'll have to do in a few months again.

 Autumn's POV

 I was upstairs in my room standing infront of my mirror holding dresses to my body. Do I wear this black one? Or this black and purple one? I turned around and faced Audrey, I know she knows nothing about clothing and colors. But she's a girl, it should come instinctively.

 "Okay Audrey, which dress should mommy wear?" I asked holding up the two dresses. She smiled at me and somewhat kind of pointed to the black and purple one. "Good choice, baby girl" I smiled. I showered, teased my hair a little, and applied my eyeliner, mascara and clear gloss. I looked into the mirror and I must say I looked pretty good.

 "That can't be my girlfriend" I turned around and saw Cayden standing there looking at me. "You look freaking beautiful Autumn!" he walked over and put his hands around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder and looked in the mirror at ourselves.

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now