My Purdy Dad- Run Angels Run

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 I ran into Autumn's room and saw her laying there with a white sheet laid over her. NO! Autumn can't be gone! Two doctors and a nurse walked out with their heads lowered and I ran in there and ripped the sheet off her her.

 "AUTUMN! NO!! AUTUMN! BABY GIRL WAKE UP!!" I cried holding her head in my arms. Brooke walked behind me and wrapped her arms around me crying. I stood there and looked at Autumn's pale cold face. I can't believe she's gone! She can't be gone.

 "She's gone, Ash. She's..w-with her mother now" Brooke cried into my back. I cried pushing Autumn's hair from her face. I turned around and saw Cayden standing there looking at the floor, not saying a word. This is all his fault! I walked over to Cayden and pinned him against the wall.

 "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER!!! SHE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!" I slammed him against the wall. Brooke ran over and pulled me off of Cayden. I couldn't do this anymore, I let go of Cayden and ran out of the room. I ran through the parking lot and got in my car sitting in there crying my heart out. I rested my head on the steering wheel, punching the dashboard. My daughter can't be dead, she just can't!

 Autumn's POV

 I opened my eyes and looked around where I was. All my dead relatives were standing in front of me smiling. I looked down at my hands and saw that the cuts on my wrist were all gone! I walked over to my family and my mom came out from the crowd.

 "Autumn" she smiled "welcome home" she hugged me tightly. Home? But this can't be my home, I live with my dad and Brooke. Am I dead?

 "Mom, am I dead?!" I asked looking around. My mom smiled at me and shook her head 'yes.' NO! I don't want to be dead!! I want to be alive and raise my daughter! Laugh and smile with my dad! "I can't be dead! NO!" I cried.

 "Autumn, it was your time. You-"

 "My time?! Its bad enough dad still can't get over you! But now he's going to be worse! And what about Audrey?! What about my family mom?!"

 "This is your family now. You're no longer in pain, suffering. You're free." Well screw being free! I'd rather live my life being trapped with everything that's brought me here! I ran off away from my mom and everyone else. I had no idea where I was going, but I didn't care. While I was running I heard Andy screaming in my head "Run angels run!" and that just gave me the strength to keep running. All of a sudden I fell down a huge black hole. I was screaming not knowing where this hole was going to take me.

 My eyes shot open and I was breathing hardly. Where am I now? I looked around and saw it was a hospital room. I was by myself, but I heard crying and talking.

 "Hello?" I called. "Hello?!" I sat up looking around. My dad ran into the room and wrapped his arms around me.

 "Autumn! YOU'RE ALIVE!! But you were dead!?!" he cried looking at me. Brooke and Cayden ran into the room after him and sat on my bed hugging me crying.

 "What's going on? Where am I?"

 "You're in the hospital" said Brooke rubbing her hand on my cheek. I looked over and saw Cayden smiling at me. Now its all coming back to me. Cayden cheated on me with Riley, I left the chapel and sat on the street, I cut myself and I saw my mom. He's the reason I'm here.

 "Uhm..c-can to Cayden..alone?" I asked. Brooke and my dad said 'okay' and walked out closing the door. I laid back down and stared at Cayden. "Do you have anything to say?" I looked at him.

 "I-I..uhm..Autumn..I'm sorry. I should of told you about Riley..and I-"

 "And you're just so sorry? Right? Well I hope you know that I'm here because of YOU! Now I have to raise our daughter by MYSELF! You told me that you loved me and wanted to marry me! Then I find out that you cheated on me with my best friend! I'm sorry Cayden..but I-I just can't deal with you no more. Its over." I started to cry. Cayden looked at me one last time and stormed out of the room. It was over. It was finally over.

My Purdy Dad- Sequel to Purdy Princess{COMPLETED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora