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"Girl have you seen HeDi's face? It was epic..." says a giggling SunQian

"He almost fell off his chair when you winked at him." amusement also laced Jiaqi's voice.

That's what he get for pissing me off... I told myself.

Suddenly i felt someone approached our table.

" Hey there monkey... what are you giggling about?" says Kankan one of HeDi's friend and SunQian's worst enemy. "Hey there Yue... Damn! you look good... I almost didn't recognize you." He flash me his million dollar smile so I smiled back.

"Shut up JinKang!!!" says SunQian who changed mood in an instant.

"Yeah...shut it dude..." I heard HeDi say.As he approached our table together with his friends Kuan, Xizi and Xize.He look pissed.I wonder why...

He immediately grabbed a chair and sat beside me. I smiled as i acknowledge him.

" You have the guts to smile at me like that after running away and ignoring me the whole day yesterday." he sulkily said

"What's with the accusing stare Didi? You were suck a jerk yesterday and i am pissed so I walked out on you?" I said matter of factly.

"Why were you pissed? I can't remember doing something horrible yesterday to make you so mad." he retorted as he faced me and gave me his all too familiar glare.

This dumbass is a jerk and he doesn't even realize it.

"Really Didi?!?" My temper is slowly rising as i raised one perfectly shaped brow at him.

"Hey...hey... here you go again with your endless bickering." says Xize who was now seated beside Jiaqi.

I noticed that HeDi's friends have found their spot on our table.Kuan and Xizi sat beside HeDi while Kankan was positioned beside SunQian, much to her friend's annoyance.

"She walked out on me yesterday... and now she's playing the victim... " He accusingly said.My eyes widened in disbelief upon hearing him

"Will you stop playing clueless HeDi! Have you forgotten how you insulted me infront of you fangirls yesterday?!?" Anger is getting the better of me... I know... but who wouldn't get pissed at this jerk.

" Pray tell me how did I ever do that coz I really can't remember." I have this sudden urge to smack him in the face but i restrained myself.

I leaned forward with our faces only inches apart so I could stare him in the eye to let him know how dangerously close i am to reaching my limit...

"Well you better find it out for yourself coz I'm not telling you." I flashed him my sweetest smile while giving him my coldest glare... as I grabbed my things and confidently strutted out of the cafeteria... hips swaying like a model in the catwalk.


I can't believe she's walking out on me again.Distracting me with her ass swaying sexily as she walked... stiletto heels clacking as she goes...There you go again Didi... how many times must I remind you that Yue is your buddy and you shouldn't think sexy thoughts about her...

"You really are a jerk Wang HeDi!!!" SunQian suddenly says arms crossed on her chest and eyebrows raised.

"Bro... what did you do that made Yue so mad?" asked Kuan.

"Honestly dude I really can't remember... we were just having our usual friendly banter after the game... I was teasing her... coz she keeps on complaining about her long wait outside of the lockers then I told her that she should have gotten in to look for me coz she's one of the boys anyway...then suddenly she los her sh*t..."

"You what?!?!" I was amazed on how all of them simutaneously threw me that question with that WTF have you done expression.

"Guys... its a long story and i don't want to repeat myself..."

" Why did you tell her that HeDi?" Jiaqi asked...frustration evident in her voice.

" Coz he's annoyingly stupid that's why." SunQian replied.

"For once I am totally agreeing with this monkey... you are an idiot bro.." says Kankan as he tugged on SunQian's hair earning him an elbow hit on his side that made him wince.

"Telling your girl bestfriend that she's one of the boys infront of a crowd of girls is a huge smack to her ego dude."Xizi said "You really are a stupid moron for saying that. No wonder Yue is furious."

What have you done WANG HEDI???

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