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It's four in the morning but for some reason sleep refuse to come to me. It's like my mind, body, heart and soul had completely lost track of time and had been working overtime.

I've been tossing and turning in bed trying my best to rest, since HeDi brought me home... but to no avail. His image kept on  popping into my mind... and our kisses kept replaying in my memory, like a movie in slow motion... that a slow burning heat continued to spread through my body all through the night.

Realizing that I will never be able to sleep... I decided to crawl out  my window and sit on the the tree branch outside. Hoping that the fresh breeze of early dawn will make me sleepy. So after donning my most comfortable jacket over my PJs, I finally did just that.

As expected the cold breeze welcomed me when I started to crawl out and settle myself on the sturdy branch HeDi and I used to sit upon. The peace and quiet immediately calmed me as I let the darkness envelope me while I continued to reminisce about what happened between HeDi and I earlier.


Our breaths are labored... our foreheads touching. HeDi's arms still wrapped tightly around me while my hands rested on his chest for support. My eyes are still closed but I could feel him staring at me.

"So... what now? HeDi asked... as his hands continued to caress my lower back making me shiver.

" What do you mean?" I asked him back... my mind still hazy from the aftermath of passion.

"I mean... are we back together now Yue?" I could sense uncertainty in his voice making me smile a little as I slowly opened my eyes so I could stare back at him.

"What do you think?" I said with a teasing smile on my face. He smiled... that beaming smile of his that can warm anyone's heart.

"Damn... I miss you so much Baobei..." he said as he tightened his embrace while I nestled in his warmth.

"I miss you too... so much..." I rested my head on his chest as I savored the feeling of being enveloped in his arms.


I was smiling to myself... happy of how things turned out between HeDi and I. Glad that we're back together... that our time apart made our love for each other grow stronger than before. Grateful that inspite of all the pain we had to endure, we still ended up together...

"Why are you out here in the cold? You'll get sick in no time if you keep this up." HeDi's voice startled me from my thoughts as I saw him carefully threading the branch towards me. He immediately covered ourselves with the thick blanket he brought to shield us from the cold as he cuddled me in his arms.

" Why are you out here in the cold instead of sleeping in your bed?" He inquired thightening his hold around me.

I snaked my numb arms around his waist to pull him closer as I rested my head on his chest.
"I can't sleep... You keep showing up in my mind..."

"Aiyo! So straight forward Miss Shen Yue!" He exclaimed as I felt him smile while I snuggled closer to his chest.

"It's true... besides... You like girls who's not afraid to say what's on their mind don't you? Take for example that Team Manager of the Olympic team or that female Idol who's always mentioned in your interviews and who's been rumored to be your girlfriend... they are pretty straight forward and are very open in announcing that they got the hots for you in national TV." I reasoned out. Trying to hide my disdain but somehow failing for I heard HeDi chuckle in amusement hearing my rant.

" You're turning green all over Baobei..." he said pulling away slightly  so he could take a good look at my slowly reddening face.

" I am not!" I said pouting in annoyance... hating myself for being caught red handed.

"Yes you are!" He insisted, not minding to hide that teasing grin on his face. "And I don't mind.... infact I'm loving it... this jealous side of you..."He said pulling me closer again in his warmth.

"Why?" I asked suddenly curious...

"It just proves that you're really head over heels inlove with me." He answered confidently.

"That is so true... Mr. Wang HeDi..."I smiled to myself as I savored his warm embrace sitting on our tree as sunrise slowly painted the sky.



The sun has risen... Yue and I are now in the comfort of her bed... snuggling close to each other underneath the sheets. I could tell that she's really tired and sleepy making me wonder why she's still fighting the urge to rest.

"I'll be returning to Hunan in a few days and you'll be going back to Beijing... What are we gonna do Di?" she suddenly blurted out as I finally realized what's bothering her.

"So this is what's bothering you all this time huh?" I said as I comfortingly caressed her face.

"U-huh... but can you blame me?" worry evident on her tired face.

"You don't have to worry too much Baobei... Changsa is just a two hour flight away... I could always fly to you If you want me to... plus we could always videocall each other when we're really busy..." I said as I gave her a light peck on her nose.

"I guess you're right... I'm just over reacting." she sighed as she snuggled closer to me making me smile.

This right here... with Yue in my arms cuddled beneath the blankets on her bed is my idea of heaven... that I just want to savor this moment... and keep it in my memory.

" You know what... we could have done this long distance relationship thing before...It could have saved us from all the heartaches..." I suddenly blurted out, as I come to a realization of how easier things could have been if we've been more open to each other back then. I heard Yue chuckle in amusement.

" But you are too stubborn... you really don't want to leave and chase after your dreams... that I have to make you... though deep inside I really wanna be with you too..." She said her warm breath fanning my chest as she talked... making me warm all over.

"I was so stupid...." I said admitting my mistake...

"That you are... but guess what... I was stupid too... that's why we belong together." Yue retorted distancing herself a little so she could gaze into my eyes... and I am taken a back by the love reflected on hers that I got emotional all of a sudden.

"Don't you dare leave me again Shen Yue... promise me.... because if you do... I'll hunt you down to the ends of the Earth that you'll never have the chance to escape..." I said staring straight at her.... expressing how much I needed her to stay in my life.

"I'm not going anywhere this time Wang HeDi... I'll stay with you until you get tired of me..." she replied with conviction... her eyes full of sincerity...

"We're going. to make this relationship work... through all the odds..." I declared.

"Through all the odds..." she nodded in agreement...


Author's note:

Here's an update guys!!! Thanks for patiently waiting...


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