A Fan's Surprise

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An hour after my plane landed at the Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 2, here I am waiting for my cab to arrive taking me to the Beijing Nuo Hotel where I would be spending the rest of my stay in the city.

Wang HeDi is in for the greatest surprise of his life. He has zero knowledge that I have taken a long break... let alone that I would be spending that long vacation with him... watching his championship games... I can already imagine his shocked face when he sees me watching on the sidelines wearing his jersey and waving a banner with his name written on it.

Finally, the cab taking me to the hotel arrived... and after more or less 30 minutes... I am already checking in and getting the key card to my room.

I was infront of my room swiping my card to open the door when my phone rang a very familiar tune assigned to a very special person...

"Hey Di!" I cheerfully answered as I wheeled in my luggage towards my room, depositing it in one corner near the closet.

"Hey Baobei! where are you?" His voice is as cheerful as mine but his question caught me off guard...

"Uhmmm I-I'm in my room...I just arrived." I'm really not good in lying so I replied with an answer nearest to the truth.

"Ahhh... been busy with work?" He asked again making me more nervous.

"Yup!" restraining myself to elaborate more, as I sat on the kingsize bed in the middle of the room removing my shoes and massaging my tired feet with my free hand, while the other holds the phone close to my ear.

"I was just getting ready here in the lockers... I really want to hear your voice before the game... for inspiration you know..." He said as I heard him chuckle a little.

"Is that so? Good luck on your game Baobei! I know you can do it!" I said encouragingly being extra careful of my responses so he wouldn't be suspicious of anything..

"I wish you're here though..." I can imagine him pouting in the other line making me smile...

"Aiyooo! my Baobei is getting clingy nowadays... Don't worry Di... We'll see each other sooner than you think..." I said comfortingly... Wait! Did I just gave myself away... Oh gosh Yue... you stupid stupid girl!

"Yeah...I'll facetime you later after the game Baobei..." Dylan replied... whoooo! that was close... I should be thankful that my Didi could be dense sometimes or my surprise is ruined.

"Oh... okay... talk to you later babe... Jiayou! Love you!" I said giving him a smooch through the phone.

"Laters! Love you too!!!" He said laughing at my antics. I laid myself on the bed... smiling like an idiot as the line disconnected.

I checked the time. It's only five in the afternoon. The game will start at seven. I still have time to prepare. So I took a shower, wore a white hoodie underneath Dylan's oversized blue Beijing Ducks jersey, together with a skinny jeans and comfortable white sneakers. I also wore a white cap and mask to help me conceal myself, so Dylan won't recognize me in the crowd until I reveal myself to him later. After one last look in the mirror, and putting my keycard, and phone in my sling bag, I grabbed the banner that I made and walk out of my room to go the LeSport Center to watch my boyfriend in basketball action...

Dylan Wang.... here I come...



"Let us do our best guys!!! This game is ours! Lets claim it!" our coach finished his pre game pep talk, earning cheers from the entire team. Then everyone started preparing for the game before we enterd the court.

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