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Five years later...


"Babe...please call Xing already..." I said pleadingly at HeDi who is currently busy cooking our dinner while I am here... my pregnant tummy protruding... as I sat comfortably at the sofa folding baby clothes and placing it neatly on our emergency baby bag.

I am currently due to have our second child... reason why our daughter is at my in-laws... It is to avoid inconvenience when the time for me to deliver the baby comes.

" Why? Is she giving Ma a hard time again?" I saw him glance at me while continously stirring the pot.

"Yep!... you know your daughter... she'll keep on bugging Ma... until she hears your voice...So please... call her already." I said wincing... for the baby in my tummy decided to give me a flying kick again... not to mention the periodic contractions I am experiencing which are becoming frequent by the minute.

" Hey Baobei... are you okay?" HeDi asked a slight frown marring his face as he noticed my dilemma.

I slowly stood up from the sofa to hand him my phone so we could facetime our baby girl who's probably waiting for our call right now... when suddenly the unexpected happened... my water broke petrifyimg me in my position...

OhMyGosh.... Calm yourself Yue... Don't panic...

"Di... are you finished cooking already?" I asked Hedi trying to stay calm as possible as I watched my husband turn off the stove... indirectly answering my query.

"Yup... dinner's ready..." he said walking towards me...still unaware of my current predicament.

He was assisting me to walk towards the kitchen, when he noticed the patch of liquid on the floor. And when our gazes met, I saw the sudden panic in his eyes..

"B-Bao..." He stuttered, as he gripped my hand tighter.

"Di... please calm down okay... I'll just stay here... You get the bag in the sofa... it's all packed and ready... grab the car keys from that side table near the couch then get our jackets on the closet by the foyer then come back to me and help me get in the car so we could drive to the hospital alright... " I calmly instructed him... as I slowly sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen... noticing how he's taking deep breaths... probably to calm himself.

"Alright...." He responded as he hastely followed my instructions... He quickly grabbed the baby bag on the couch and the keys on the side table. After fetching our jackets in the closet, he quickly came back for me, helped me put my jacket on...then assisted me to ride the car.

HeDi was fastening my seatbelt when another contraction came, making me wince again... and making my husband panic some more.

"Babe... take deep breaths okay... I'll get you to the hospital soon..." After making sure that I am comfortable, he started the car and drove us to the hospital...

I immediately called JiaQi to ask her to inform everyone, including my mom, XiaoWen Jie and my inlaws of my situation. With a worried tone, she immediately agreed to do as I say, even offering to call my obstetrician about my status and that we'll be meeting her in the hospital.

Twenty minutes later HeDi and I are driving in to the hospital's emergency room where my doctor was waiting for me with a wheelchair... my contractions are getting more painful and frequent signalling that I am already in active labor... HeDi was wheeling me in towards the delivery room when JiaQi, Xize and XiaoWen Jie came. worry written all over their faces...

"Hey... I'm fine... just a little tad uncomfortable... but nevertheless fine... wait for me here okay... I'm going in now..." I said trying yo hide my pain with an awkward smile. A female nurse came handing HeDi an OR gown, cap and mask to change into so he could accompany me while delivering the baby, while she replaced my husband in pushing my wheelchair inside the DR.

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