Turning Point

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What is happening? One minute I was happily dancing without abandon...the next I was being dragged away from the club, leaving my shocked friends and a bleeding YiTian sprawled on the floor of the DJ's booth.

What is this stupid friend of mine trying to do dragging me out of the club? My body is trembling because of the cold while my hand is getting numb from his tight grip. I could almost feel his finger marks on my skin.

"Hey!... Hey!... Wang HeDi!" I called his name to catch his attention but as if hearing nothing, he continued walking away from the club as he tighten his grip on my wrist.

"HeDi! will you let go of me... YOU'RE HURTING ME!" I screamed trying to release myself from his hold.

That's when I felt him slowing down his stride and loosening his grip... until he finally released my hand. His finger marks are evident on my wrist. His back is facing me but I could feel him seething in anger. We're now standing in this empty parking lot... with only the street lamps illuminating us.

"What's wrong with you?...Do you really have to do that?" HeDi is still not facing me and is still not responding... yet I noticed how he curled his hands into fist as if trying to restrain himself.

Slowly... my temper is getting the better of me as HeDi keeps mum about the incident... still not saying a word... so I did the best thing that comes into my mind.

"Wang HeDi... I swear to god...if you keep up with this silent treatment...i'll leave you here!" I threatened him.

He slowly turned around to face me. His brows are almost touching... He is furious... I could tell by his expression... but he is obviously trying to calm himself...

" What do you want me to say Yue?... you want me to apologize?... I'm sorry but I can't do that... That DJ deserves it." Annoyance is still evident on his voice.

"How could you say that?... What did YiTian do, for you to punch him like that?" I asked... obviously irritated by his reaction

He glared at me.. then he suddenly closed his eyes as if trying to regain his composure... then he took a deep breath, slowly opened his eyes and gazed straight at me as he slowly approached me and held my arms.

"Do you want me to answer your questions Yueyue?... I'm telling you now...you may not like what I have to say... " He said in a very calm voice... almost too calm for my liking. his answer got me more confused. What does he mean by that? Didi is getting weirder by the minute.

I was still in deep thought trying to decipher what he meant when I felt him as he held my hand and guided me towards his car "Come... let's go home"


The ride home was silent. You could hear the faint humming of the air conditioner. I can hear Yue's every sigh as she quietly stared out of the window. It's drizzling outside... I noticed Yue shiver a little...

" Are you cold?" I asked... she just hummed in response.

I pulled over the side of the road... Yue stared at me in surprise.

"Why are we stopping?" She asked... slightly confused by my actions.

As the car went to a stop, I immediately slid off of my seat belt then I quickly took off my jacket and gave it to Yue.

"You're trembling.. wear it" she quietly took my coat and wore it over her trembling body.

"Thanks" she shyly said as she embraced herself. She hesitantly look me in the eye... I could see apprehension there as if she wants to ask me a question.

I know Yue like the back of my hand. And right now I know that she's really confused... confused by my response to her questions earlier. but what will I say? Will I tell her that I got really jealous of her and that DJ guy? Will I tell her that seeing her with other guys unleashes the green eyed monster in me... Will she freak out if I say that?

Should I confess? Will she accept me... not as a friend... but as a man? Is this fate telling me that this is the right moment to tell Yue about my feelings for her? Or should I continue on denying myself of this chance to be with her... pretending to be just her friend when in fact I'd rather be the man who loves her...so I could freely tell the world how much she meant to me... how much i want to hug her... kiss her... show her how much I want her...

Should I choose to be honest now and tell her everything... or be that coward who's pretending to be her friend when in fact i want to be more...

"What happened there Didi?" She whispered...

"I just lost it... I can't take it anymore.." I replied

"What do you mean?" Yue had slipped off of her seat belt and is now facing me trying to capture my gaze.

This is it... there's no turning back now HeDi... Tell her... she deserves to know...

"I'm sorry Yue... but I can't be your friend anymore..." I said gazing straight to her eyes as I gently cupped her face into my hands.

"Why?"... I could hear the hurt in her voice as tears started to well in her eyes...

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry for wanting more... I'm sorry... co'z I can't pretend anymore.." I could feel my eyes tearing up by this sudden surge of emotions... I'm finally doing it...I'm confessing my love to this wonderful girl...how I wish she feels the same...


Then I captured her lips in mine...

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