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Look at these two idiots trying to hide their feelings for each other. I tried hard to stop myself from laughing. They are both trying hard yet they are both failing miserably.

they are obviously still in love with one another... But are both too dense to realize it.

Yue's feelings for HeDi has been clear to me since day one. I had been and still am aware of it  and I'm pretty sure her feelings for him hadn't changed one bit. If truth be told, it just gotten stronger.. I'm just not sure if she's aware of how she's acting towards him now ... Of how she secretly stare at him when his not looking, sadness and longing evident on her eyes... Too bad HeDi, the man child that he is, seems to be oblivious of  Yue's dilemma...

Though looking on the brighter side... What I'm convinced of at the least is how HeDi is acting strangely possesive of Yue since we arrived... noting how he proclaimed himself as her boyfriend which caught us all off guard... And how he constantly threw me those dagger looks as if he wants to tear me to pieces... Really petty to be honest... Yet giving me hope that somehow they would probably end up together eventually...

So as Yue's good friend and brother in law to be... I am willing to take this difficult task of making sure that Yue will get her happy ending with the love of her life... Which as of the moment she is trying to deny... That's what's making this task difficult...her denial tendencies... And her habit in making things better for other people except for herself... I guess I'll just have to try my best to nudge them both to the right direction.

Dinner was over. Xiaowen decided that it's time for us to go. After thanking HeDi's parents for a very satisfying dinner the three of us prepared to leave for home.

"Di! Walk our guests to the door will you." Mrs. Wang said interrupting HeDi from his deep thought. He stood from his chair as he ushered us out with Yue and Xiaowen walking ahead of us.

I was surprised when he suddenly blurted...
"What are you trying to do?" He asked annoyance evident on his voice

"What do you mean?" I asked feigning innocence

"Why did you pretend to be Yue's boyfriend? What are you playing at?" He is still obviously pissed.

I flashed him an amused smile making him frown some more.
"I am not playing at anything... And for the record dude, I did not pretend to be her boyfriend... You assumed that I am his boyfriend... That's two very different things..." I answered nonchalantly earning me a snort from him.

He walked us out... Yue and my fiance is walking ahead towards their house hand in hand while busily catching up with each other while HeDi and I slowly followed them behind... luggages in hand and  busy with our own man to man conversation which is actually making me quite amused as I feel him getting worked up about something.

"What's with your assumption anyway?" I asked giving him a curious glance noticing how he was surprised by my question... I almost laughed out loud by his response.

"I... Uhm... I... Saw both you... Hugging by the elevator... Yesterday... So I... I thought...." So.. this is what it's all about... I guess my assumptions are correct...

"Well... You thought wrong buddy... tsk..tsk.. Yue was so upset for some reason and any person in their right mind would comfort her the same way I did. You would have done that if you came first wont you?" I asked glancing at him again... Noticing his serious expression  as if in deep thought.

"She wouldn't let me If I did..." He answered sadly as if talking to himself eyes set on Yue who is busy talking with her sister.

"You still love her don't you?" I asked him out of the blue trying to catch him off guard by my question... but I was the one surprised instead when I heard his answer...

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