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"Hey! Yue! Guess what's your next assignment would be?!"  I turned to look at ZiWei who was excitedly strutting towards me.

"What's that?" I asked pointing at the paper she is waving.

"It's a plane ticket you dummy... Your flying to Shanghai this afternoon for your new assignment." She giddily said making me curious and at the same time nervous for this upcoming task.... Why wouldn't I be? I have never been to Shanghai for a while...

"Since your so excited about this... why don't you take this job instead" I asked teasingly but secretly praying that she consented for I am so not looking forward to going to Shanghai... But I guess the heavens are not on my side.

"As much as I want to get this job...I can't.... SunNing and I have an interview with the mayor tomorrow... So since you're the only one who's free to do this... Tao Jie gave this assignment to you." She carefully explained...

"So what am I going to do in Shanghai then?" I curiously asked arching a perfectly shaped brow at her.

"You're going to interview Dylan Wang!"

Oh Good Heavens!

Suddenly... I wanted to faint...

Two years had passed like a blur. Two years... Yet here I am... still haunted by my past. It may not seem like it... But that's how it has been... My existence for the past two years... It was filled with thoughts of Him... Of Wang HeDi....



"Here's your back pack... All your necessities are here... I've already checked in your luggage... Here's your ticket... Mom will pick you up at  Changsa... We've already arranged everything... You don't have to worry... I've already talked to the student's affairs dean of your university... I already informed them that you won't be attending your graduation rites... They told me that they would just send you your school records via e-mail. So stop worrying okay... I'll handle everything here." said Xiaowen Jie as she enclosed me in a comforting hug...

My eyes are bloodshot from crying... It's as if my eyes are a well of tears... My stubborn tears keeps streaming on my face... I am overwhelmed with so much grief...

What's HeDi doing now? Is he already awake? He's probably worried about me when he finds out that I'm missing...

"Jie...please don't tell anyone of my whereabouts... HeDi... He'll get mad and he'll find ways to force you on telling him...please Jie...promise won't tell him anything..." I said sobbing uncontrollably.

"Why are you doing this to yourself Yue? why can't you just let things be... If Didi doesn't wanna go to Beijing why can't you just let him stay...  save yourselves from this heartache meimei..." My sister tighten her embrace as I sobbed controllably.

"I can't let him ruin his life for me Jie... I don't want him throwing away his dreams for me... If he does that... Time will come that he'll think of what could have been if he grabbed those oportunities and regretting for letting it pass... I don't want him to go through with that... I love him so much Jie... I love him so much that I want him to reach his dreams... Even if it means letting him go..." Sorrow enveloped me... I couldn"t stop crying...

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