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Some time later

"Amarion Levell Traylor"Jazz was breathing so hard.Jazz lifted the baby from between her legs and held onto him.He wasn't screaming and that alarmed me.But he was staring wide eyed at Jazz.She was semi crying already and she started smiling.

The nurse told me to get out of the tub so she can perform the after birth.And ion want none of that touching me.I kissed Jazz.

I cut the cord.The nurse that was helping Jazz stuck something into the baby's mouth. Then I took the baby.Jazz looks so tired.She didn't sleep for a whole 29 hours. Labor was long and hard.

I walked out of the room and into another.

"Hey Amarion.You look just like me but with Jazz's eyes.You get to carry on my name.I asked God for a son and he gave me you."I said while rocking him.

"Dada"Ar'Mani tugged at my leg. "Yes baby."she reached her little arms out.I'm kind of sticky right now considering the fact that I was behind Jazz when she gave birth.She is so strong.

I kissed Mar on his forehead and he started blinking slowing and went straight to sleep.Mani started crying.Her lil bad ass been crying all day.She mad cause we was focusing more on the arrival of this baby rather than her.She climbed in the bed.
Ar'mon and Queen are coming over a little later.They had a brother and sister day.

The nurse knocked on the door and came with a big bag.She grabbed the baby and measured him and put the little black stuff on his feet.She handed me the birth certificate and I signed Treyvion Traylor.

The other stuff was filled out and she walked back out with the baby.I went back to the room where Jazz was.She has the thingy in her nose and she's under the covers in the bed.

"Hey baby."I smiled but she didn't smile back.Instead she started crying really hard and she looks tired.

"Jazz calm down"I said peacefully.The nurse walked in holding our son and handed him to her.She started rocking him sand talking to him.Ar'mani poked out her lip.She finna get a whooping.

"Trey can you leave so we can have a talk"Jazz said.She sounds so mean in a way.I grabbed Mani and we left out.Then she let me have it.

She started screaming at the top of her lungs and rolling on the floor.I honestly don't know what to do.Normally Jazz would stop her from throwing tantrums but she can't right now.

I scooped her up and walked outside.She still crying.I started screaming with her.Thats how my mama used to do me.She screamed right over me.Ar'mani looked at me with a puzzled look and reached her arms out.

I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulders.I shook the nurses hand as she hopped in her car.She waved and pulled off.I walked in the house and up to Jazz room.

She was holding the baby and every time I looked at her she turned away.What did I do?I thought she forgave for what I did.I feel so bad.She just had a whole ass baby.I don't know what that feels like.

"Jazz what did I do wrong?Can you talk to me"I said on the verge of tears.Ion know where it's coming from though.I just don't wanna lose her again.I almost went without seeing her for a year.

I had sex with hundreds of girls and got into a lot of relationships only to realize I need Jazz.The thought of her being with someone else is getting to me.Cause I keep fucking up.I keep cheating and shit.Damn...Fuck...

"Trey nothing.Just leave me alone"She said while feeding the baby.She looks so sad right now.For reasons I just don't know.

"Jazz I'm not finna ask you to talk to me.I'm demanding you to talk to me.I can't even enjoy this moment.My son was just brought into the world and I can't even cherish the moment."I semi yelled.

"No argue dada"Mani held her hands between me and Jazz.I put her on the floor.I walked her into the play room and I walked back.She was sitting in the same position.

"Trey just go"she cried.I don't like seeing her cry like this.I picked up a glass and threw it as hard as I could against the wall.

"Jazz was wrong.Tell me.I won't judge you.I love you"I said.

"If you loved me.You would show it.You're never here.And when you are you end up screwing shit up.Every time I see you all I see is the Trey that beat me.You could've killed me.Then what?My kids ain't gone be raised right because you're their father.You don't know how to take care of a child because you're one.Now I tried to be nice about everything but you hurt me Trey.You hurt me.You hurt us."she cried.

I stared at her in disbelief.She could've told me.She could've fucking told me.Now I'm stuck in a house with a woman who hates me a 1 year old and a damn newborn.To Be honest I feel like beating the shit out of somebody.I need to get rid of my anger.

I fixed my mouth to say something but no words would come out.I balled my fist up.I need a drink,a blunt,a something.

"Congratulations"I turned around and Queen had flowers.I brushed past her.And Ar'mon.

"What's wrong"he asked me.Tears started falling.I grabbed a drink from the cabinet and started drinking.I can't feel anything and that's what I like.

I grabbed my keys.

I am sorry for the whole misunderstanding.I really didn't like how I was gonna end this book so ima keep it going.

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