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The title of this chapter is Nova because Nova was a little girl (a few months old) that lost her life to cancer🎗
Months later

"Does he have too?Because if he don't then don't do it"I hate seeing my baby cry like this.They want too cut his hair off.

"Well the treatment he's getting today shouldn't be that harmful right?He's only 2 well 3 in a few more days.His body can only handle so much"I said.Trey rubbed my back.

"He's in the later stages of cancer and it's too harmful.We can give him the full amount to help him more"the doctor said.

"So you're basically trying to kill my child.The cancer is strong but my baby is much stronger.You will not give him high doses because he can't handle that.It will over power his body and if you do, I will sue this whole facility.Now is cutting his hair mandatory?"I snapped.

"Yes m'am is it"he shot back. "Okay go on"they took the clippers out and my baby started screaming to the top of his lungs.I started crying too.Trey trying to be a man about it.I need to feed my other baby but I guess I can wait.

They shaved his head completely and he cried like someone beat him. "Look baby."I grabbed the clippers and started shaving my head till it looked like his.

"See this isn't so bad is it"I smiled and picked him up. "Matching haircuts with mommy"he clapped. My hair will grow right back.Trey looks so shocked.He won't stop staring. He's going to stay here with him while I go pick up Aj from his father.

I kissed my son goodbye and I left.I got so many stares and so many people took pictures.If my son loves it then no one else's opinion matters!

"Hey baby"I kissed AJ's forehead as Ar'mon opened the door. He staring too. "They made Mar cut his hair off today.So I cut mine"I said and started feeding our baby.

"Jazz you still look good"Ar'mon licked his lips. "Boy get on somewhere.I don't want you."I pushed him back.He reached again. I said.He started laughing.

I walked away and sat down and continued to feed Aj.After a little while, Trey walked in with Mar. Mani with her aunt and grandad this week. We played for a while until he complained that he was hurting.

I ordered pizza and we all ate and Mar took a bath.I took my shower and sat up.

"Do y'all have an extra room"I asked.I already know they do lmao. "Nope"Trey shrugged his shoulders. "We renting them out to some people"Ar'mon said.I forgot they broke.

"Oh well give me some cover"I layed on the floor because my stomach hurt.I eventually fell asleep

1:00 am

I woke up in the bed,right next to Trey.He looks so peaceful.I miss laying with him like this but hey single life is the best. I do what I want and I don't have to worry about being publicly embarrassed. I kissed his lips and rolled over on my side.



I put Jazz in the bed last night.She was crying in her sleep and I held until she stopped.I was awake when she kissed me and I can't front like I ain't miss that.I miss holding her but it looks like she don't need me anymore.Shit hurts

I watched Jazz sleep for a while.She is such a strong woman.She's dealing with a lot and she's busy.We co parent so she always running back and forth between states plus she touring and now she has to be here for chemo appointments. She also breast feed Aj so she keeps him and Ar'mon really don't see him.

I tried getting out of the bed but Jazz wouldn't let me go. She even mumbled don't leave me again. She opened her eyes and let me go. "Oh sorry bro"she said. I walked out.

"Hey son"I picked him up.He had a rough night, I can tell. We did our morning routines and got dressed. I have a show today. Ar'mon don't want to do it anymore. I think Jazz has a photoshopped with Mar today.

I cooked us some breakfast (including Jazz) and sat it down. I'm dyeing my hair gold for Mar's Cancer. I picked up Aj and rocked him. He looks just like my brother. Jazz walked in the kitchen looking like a natural Queen. She looked at me and I damn near started blushing. I looked away and gave her, her baby.

She fed him and played with Mar. She grabbed her photo shoot outfits along with Mar's and went outside. "Trey are you getting in the pictures"she asked me. "Yea I replied".

Jazzy Fizzle

"Baby you don't have to do it"I told Mar. He looks so nice. He also doesn't feel good and he's hurting. "Mommy I want too"he dapped me up and smiled.

It's like a royal picture. I have on a royal dress, Trey has on something that matches me and Mar has a mixture of both. I'm on my knees holding a crown and holding it over his head as he bows. Trey has his hands on the other side of the crown and he's behind Mar.

I literally started crying. I was finna stop the photo shoot because I need a minute and my make up is running. But they said the pictures were coming out perfectly. We finished the photo shoot.


Our son played with the toys on set. Aj is getting his pictures taken by the photographer. I followed Jazz to the bathroom because clearly she's not okay. "Jazz" I yelled through the door. "Are you okay"I yelled. "I'm fine"she opened the door with puffy red eyes.

I grabbed her and held her in my hands. She tried pulling away but she stopped once she realized I wasn't gonna let her go. She hugged me back.

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