Chapter 2

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After I cleaned up the mess I made and apologized to my parents, all three of us sat in the living room to further talk about the whole "me-moving-to-Garrison-city-and-live-with-my-brother" thing.

"So, we decided to send you to your brother's apartment because the school over there is better than this one and we think it will be a better experience. Also, your dad and I will be going to Africa to continue our work for about a year and we cannot leave you here by yourself. It is safer for you.," my mom says.

I just sat there, taking in all of the information my mom threw out at me. My parents were going to Africa for a year and I learn about it now? Why can't I just stay by myself here? I am mature enough?

As those questions swirl in my head, some new thoughts come to me. I will be able to escape all of those people who bullied me and made my life miserable. I might have a chance to make friends. I can go see my brother after 5 years of no contact with him.

"Ok," I say at last.

"Ok what?" my parents question.

"Ok, I will go to Garrison City and live with Matt. But you have to contact me at least 2 times a week and face time every week.

My dad grins and my mom looks relieved. 

"Great! Let's start packing your suitcase. Matt will be here in a few hours," my says as she starts going upstairs to get some clothes for me.

"Wait, Matt's going to be here in A FEW HOURS?"


After I got all of the things that I needed to take to Matt's house in my bag, my family and I waited for Matt. I was really excited because I hadn't seen him in forever, well more like 5 years. 

Still. It's a long time to wait to see your own brother.

I was in the middle of reading my favorite book Six of Crows, I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and bolted toward the door. When I opened it, I saw a tall guy with light brown hair and brown eyes like mine.

Matt Holt.

"MATT!" I jumped into his surprised arms but after a few seconds, he embraced me back.

"Hey Pidgeon. Looks like you grew up," Matt replied, and I turned red at the nickname he gave to me 10 years ago when I was playing with a group of pigeons in our backyard for a week.

After we broke apart, he asked me, "So, how is high school?"

Instantly, a small frown made its a way to my face but I quickly covered it with a fake smile. I didn't want Matt to know how all of the kids made fun of me.

"Its....fine. A lot of work," I cautiously replied, making sure my voice didn't sound like I was lying. If it did though, Matt didn't notice it. Instead, his grin grew.

"Wait till college, Pidge. Its 10 times worse. Anyway, are you ready to go? My friend is waiting for me."

I couldn't hide the frown on my face. There would be another male in the car I would be in for the next 3 hours. I didn't think I could handle that after seeing how I always was like towards any guy who wasn't my dad or brother.

Whenever there was a guy near me, I always turned red and very reserved. If he ever asked me anything, I usually stuttered my reply in short sentences and embarrassed myself. I found this out when a boy in my 9th grade English class asked if I wanted to work with him on the project. After seeing what a freak I was, he quickly ran away and asked another girl who didn't embarrass herself.

Matt, seeing my worried expression, said, "Hey, Shiro's cool. He is really nice even if he always has a serious expression on his face."

The words comforted me, but not that much. Still, I needed to go with Matt and face my fears. I nodded and turned to my parents who were watching Matt and me talk.

Once they saw Matt, they smiled and hugged him while asking how he was and if he was doing well in college. After they finished catching up, we all went outside with my stuff to see a very tall guy with dark grey eyes and black hair with a section in the front that was white. He looked up from his phone when he saw four people walking his way.

"Hey Matt. Ready to go?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Yeah. Shiro, this is Katie," Matt said pointing to me, "and Katie, this is Shiro, my best friend."

"Hey Katie. Heard a lot about you," Shiro said, his voice softening up a bit when he saw me.

I ducked my head and forced out my words, "H-hi, nice t-to meet you."

"Aw, Matt, your sister is so cute," Shiro chuckled softly.

My face burst red and I hid in Matt's side.

"Ok Katie. You are going to have to go now. Your dad and I will miss you so much honey," my mom said while hugging the life out of me. After I could finally breathe again, my dad pulled me into another hug.

"Bye, mom. I will see you later," I said, tearing up a little. I couldn't believe I would have to live almost 1 and a half years with my brother as my guardian.

I got into the car, with Matt and Shiro in the front. I waved one last time to my mom and dad and looked forward, both to the road and to my new life for the next two years.


Hi guys!

This is the second chapter! I hoped you liked it. 

I don't have much to say except for it would be great if there are any mistakes you see, you could let me know. 

Thanks for reading and make sure to comment and/or vote!

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