Chapter 15

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After about 10 minutes, I saw where Keith took us: the park. There was not that many people there: a few elderly couples and little kids who weren't old enough to go to school yet. Otherwise, the entire place was peaceful.

"Why are we at a park?" I asked Keith as he parked his bike at a spot near the park.

"Well, honestly, I didn't know where we were going to go. I just wanted to spend time with you," Keith replied cheekily, giving me a full out smile.

"O-Oh," I said. He wanted to spend time with me? Willingly? That sure was a first...

To be honest, everything with him is a first.

Keith and I walked to the park in silence as just roamed around the place, observing the world around us. After a few minutes, he broke the silence.

"You wanna see who can go higher on the swings?"

I really wasn't up for the challenge, so I declined politely. Keith obviously wasn't going to back off, because he responded with, " What? Afraid you are going to loose?"

That sparked something in me. It might have been anger or just the need to prove Keith wrong. Either way, I was going to show Keith I wouldn't back down.

" Race you!" I bolted towards the swings, and it took Keith a second to process what I said before a smirk appeared on his face and he ran after me. Either I was slow, or he was really fast, because he passed by me in no time at all.

Even though the distance I ran wasn't far, I was panting and felt like I died once I reached Keith, who didn't even break a sweat.

"Wow Pidge, we really need to work on your stamina. Otherwise, how are you going to keep up with me?" Keith said, smirking as he leaned against the swings pole.

"W-whatever," I replied, getting my breath back.

"Still up for the challenge?" Keith said, and suddenly I wasn't tired.

"You're on," I said ask went to a swing. Keith took one too.

"Okay, whoever goes higher wins. Ready, set, go!" Keith said, and we both started swinging.

It wasn't long before I was high up, while Keith was lower than me.

"This isn't fair," Keith whined, and he looked so cute and innocent.

After a while, I was about to bring myself down when Keith said, "Wait! Let's see who can jump further, okay?"

"U-uh, I am not sure about that," I said, looking at how high I was. I've never jumped from a swing. What if I hurt myself.

"You'll be fine. Don't worry," Keith assured me. Okay, I'll do it then.

I nodded and he said "1,2,3 jump!"

I jumped off the swing and it felt like I was flying for a split second before I was falling. I forgot to break my fall, so when I landed on the ground, I fell on my foot.

"Owwwww!" I cried out, tears welling up in my eyes as I held my foot. It felt like I broke it, even though I have never broken a bone in life.

"Pidge! Are you okay?" Keith questioned, rushing to my side. He actually landed in a crouch, unlike me.

Keith gently cradled my foot in his foot after taking off my converse. He moved his hands around it, checking to make sure it wasn't badly damaged.

"Pidge, hey you didn't break anything. I think you just sprained your ankle," Keith said as he massaged my foot, making the pain go away slightly.

The tears in my eyes stopped falling as he continued to do some magic to my foot. A few minutes later, Keith got up while picking me up bridal style.

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