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As I take some stemless cherries, I could hear Jon talking to everyone with a loud voice. "Filming begins in 5. Get into place everyone, finishing touches please, silent if you are not in the filming. Thank you."

Now, the rush had began on set. The costume specialists were hurrying up, trying to fix people's clothes, cameras were being fixated into place, lights were turned on and placed perfectly.

Background actors were gathering onto the scene and Tom was rehearsing his lines by looking at the script. It was all chaos.

All I could hear were murmurs. Loud murmurs. I watched everyone do what they were supposed to do while I stood there, waiting, having nothing to do at the moment.

I wasn't the touch ups makeup artist. I was the 'do it once and let the others do the touches if needed' type of artist. Well that's what I was hired for. Maybe later, they'll ask me to do stuff.

Now, everyone was in place and had read their lines.

The scene starts and I watched it all begin. Somehow, butterflies filled my stomach, even if I wasn't being filmed. Probably because of the thought that I screwed up his makeup.

Tom started the scene and had a Queens accent on. It was a good accent too which threw me off guard when I heard him start speaking. My jaw literally fell to the ground when I didn't hear his English accent.

Obviously he'd have a fake accent. Spiderman isn't bloody English. I'm so dumb. Why do I always think the dumbest things ever. Ugh if only I wasn't like this.

I examined everything that happened in the scene until Tom messed up his lines.

"Aunt May's already going nuts and I'm growing nuts too."

He throws his head back, laughing, and the rest of the cast members laugh too. I put on a subtle smile before wheezing like the rest of the people here.

"I'm sorry! My bad! I also forgot what my line was after this." He asks for the script and looks over it. His eyes were moving from side to side but very carefully too. He started nodding his head when he was finished with the script. "Thank you." I watched his lips move.

A man came in with a clapper board in front of the camera. "Take two! And action!"

Tom recommenced from the start. For a Peter Parker, he wasn't so bad. I never watched Spiderman: Homecoming, Civil War, nor Infinity War. I never get the time with my job. If I ever get a break, I take naps and pamper myself. Movie time is never an option. Sure, a few T.V. shows here and there but that's it.

I only watched the movies that I've worked on and that's actually it. Though, those are at premiers. As a child, I was really into comics, especially Marvel ones.

I looked down at my feet and tucked a strand of my hair swiftly, having it in the way of my face somehow. I hope nobody thought I was flirting with them.

The scene finishes off and they change the background into a green screen. Tom vanishes and reappears wearing the notorious Spiderman costume.

They began to attach strings to him. His mask was not on yet so he held it in his left hand.

I guess this was a stunt scene. It's the second scene and it's already a stunt. That is so weird. I've also never seen anyone do their own stunts from sets that I've been to.

The timing had been perfect from that thought because a man comes out, dressed in the same clothes as Tom. I realized that that was his stunt double.

They set up some towers or whatnot with green on them so they can change it into whatever they pleased.

Sweat drenched his face from all the stunts. 6 hours of filming. I had been sitting in the makeup room since it was getting really boring watching them do scenes that made absolutely no sense. I had to do some touch ups on random people. Just a bit of powdering and they were all set. Jon told me I could go and chill since they didn't need makeup touch-ups after I did a background character's makeup.

Even the camera man was yawning quietly every now and then when I was there. Everybody was probably tired at this point.

Tom grabs his water bottle and drinks it for an awful long time. "I am knackered!" The bottle that was once filled to the top before he drank it was now half empty/full.

"It sure looks like you put a ton of effort into those scenes. This film better be good, Holland." I teased him.

I have no idea where he got a towel from but he was wiping the sweat off his face at this point.

His clothes were already changed back to Tom Holland style.

As the towel left contact with his face, I watched his facial expression change from tired to concerned. His eyebrows were furrowed from whatever triggered his confusion.

There were concealer and powder stains on his towel.

So that's what it is.

"Oi! I put a lot of hard work into that face of yours!" I joked yet again.

He laughed. "I'm naturally this handsome." His accent changed into a fake posh accent which was purposely awful.

I roll my eyes. "You can tell yourself that. If we're sharing our thoughts, then I'm naturally this ugly." My fingers were pointing at my face now.

No response came from his mouth. I put him in such an awkward situation. Especially since I am ugly leaving him with nothing to say. I'm truly such an big imbecile. I never say the right things at the right time or do the right things at the right time. That's just how I am.

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