t h i r t y - t w o

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"That shirt looks familiar but it reminds me of someone else that has it..." Z noticed.

I had accidentally slept in Tom's clothes but I wanted to change into mine. The thing is, it was dark and I was too lazy to change into mine. He also insisted on keeping his clothes for the night. I told him that people would notice but he told me that nobody would even notice since nobody pays that much attention. Zendaya may be a person that pays attention and knows something's up.

I glanced down at my clothes and back at Z, shrugging. "Hmm, maybe because people can have the same shirt since there are more than one of everything on Earth, clothing wise. I mean, for most stuff, unless it's a rare shirt or whatever."

"Yeah, yeah, but don't think I'm not gonna think 'bout this all day, trying to figure it out."

"Whatever. Anyway since it's a day off, imma go chill, do stuff on my own today, head into town."

She nodded her head. "Meanwhile imma stay here and chill. Enjoy your little day out."

I just rolled my eyes. "Sure thing."

Deep down inside, I knew I was just gonna chill at Tom's and say I went around the town alone. As if I had the energy to do that all alone. I also needed to return his sweats and shirt, and pick up my clothes that were wet from the rain last night if they're dry by now, so I brought my backpack. Luckily, it didn't look very suspicious because carrying a bag while shopping or going around town is normal. I wasn't planning on staying at his but if I told her I had to go to his quick, she'd know something's up. But on second thought, I should've said I was swinging over by Haz's to talk to him. God, that'd be much more believable. 'Head into town'? God, if Z knew me even more, she'd know I hate willingly going out unless it's for food or shopping. Though, it has to be clothes shopping but sometimes I'm not in the mood.

I went over to Tom's and knocked on the door. "Coming!" He yelled on the other side and eventually answered the door after a few.

"Alison?" He rubbed his eyes, checking if he was hallucinating.

I let myself in. "Yeah. Gotta return your shit."

I immediately opened my bag up and shuffled through it. "Keep them." He insisted when he saw me open the bag.

I shook my head vigorously and pulled out the sweats with the oversized shirt. "Z's catching on. She told me the shirt looked familiar but I just told her that many people have the same clothes."

He grabbed the shirt and sweats and started scanning them. "I swear, you can keep them if you want."

"If you say so." I shrugged as he handed them to me.

I could smell his scent still stuck on the clothes and hoped to god that Z didn't know how Tom smelled. She may have smelled the scent and is left suspicious now with many questions and thoughts. I was kind of glad that he was letting me keep it but I'll definitely force him to wear it again if his smell goes away so that he can give it back to me with his scent on it. I sound like such a creep but I'll admit, he just smells really nice.

I put the clothes in my bag and zipped it up. "Gonna chill here if you don't mind 'cause I told Z that I'd be walking around town. We been knew I don't have the energy to do it alone and I'm not in the mood. Unless you don't wanna have me chill here, I'm gonna be here for a while so be entertaining." I was joking about the last part.

He laughed at the joke with me. "How do you wanna be entertained?" He wiggled his brows.

My eyes were staring him dead in the eyes and no smile came on my face. "Is that a dare?"

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