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Very safe. I encourage you read this flashback cuz it ties into the story a bit ;)

I walk into the new school. I came about an hour early than what time class started because apparently I had to go to the office (queue the office theme song), ugh.

I walked into the office and had no idea what to say. "Uh... Uhm... Excuse me?" I said to get the attention of one of the office ladies

"Can I help you with something?" She asked and looked at me up and down, confused to why I was here for so long.

"I-i kind of transfered here today. Today's my first day and they told me to come an hour early and to the office?" My accent threw her off guard as she just started paying attention to it.

She nodded her head and told me to sit. I did as she told me to and she had her computer right across from her. "We're going to register you into this school board and all that. You just need to answer a few questions on this sheet and you're done."

She placed a page in front of me with a pen laying on top of the document. "O-okay." I picked the pen up.

"You can sit over there and fill this out. Here's a clipboard by the way." She handed me it to and pointed at the leather sofas in the office. I sat down on one and started filling out the form.


For first period, I had homeroom. I guess they did that on purpose. At least this is the first few weeks of school, so the teachers barely know anyone in their classes yet. I walked into the class and sat down at the very back beside a brunette boy with curly locks and brown eyes to match them.

"H-hi." I stuttered, trying to make small talk until class began.

I guess he didn't hear me because he continued to draw. I tilted my head to see what he was drawing and started smiling, trying to contain my laughter. "Do you always do that? Draw?" I asked him.

He cleared his throat and looked at from the drawing. He was working in the shading and the portrait of the homeroom teacher was almost finished. "Pretty much. Who're you by the way?" His voice was pretty high and soft compared to most people's voice.

I was relieved that I wasn't an invisible ghost to this boy. At least he could see me. "I-i'm new here."

"Nice. I'm going to leave this place soon." His eyes made their way around the walls of the class and back at me with a disgust look. "I won't miss this place."

"School's pretty shit."

"It really i-"

The teacher interrupted our conversation. "Good morning class." He looked around at the whole class to see me at the back. "Ah! Right. We have a new student here. Would you like to come up here and introduce yourself?" (smh when the teacher interrupts your conversations in class. It wasn't me that interrupted 🐸☕ you interrupted me)

I shook my head slightly but I think he didn't see it. I shrugged to myself and stood up from my seat. Everyone followed me with their eyes until I stood up at the front of the class.

"I'm Alison Birks and I just came here from London, England." I gave a light smile to everyone and made my way back to my seat.

"London, ey?" He asked.

"So Canadian of you. Ey." (Ew I hate when people mock us Canadians with ey)

He dropped the Canadian accent that I truly believed was his. "Not really." His English accent rung through my ears.

As a Londoner, it was definitely a thick Southwest London accent.

"Southwest London?" I asked without needing him to say another word.

He was shocked but remembered where I was from. "Mmhmm. I'm going back home at the end of this week. I'm just here 'cause my dad had work to do here."

"Cool. I'm a Southwest Londoner too. I came here 'cause my parents have work here, ugh." I related to him. "By the way, what's your name?"

He hesitated. "Uh S-stanley, Stanley Baker."

I smiled. "Nice name, Stanley Baker."

ⓐⓤⓣⓗⓞⓡ' ⓝⓞⓣⓔ

Does Stanley make a spontaneous comeback in this story? Does Alison date Stanley? Jk she's been single forever sad lyf

Is Stanley even important for this story? Yes? Maybe? Not at all? Hmmmm I wonder who this Stanley Baker dude is. He seems sketchy. Personally not a fan :/ sorry not sorry, Stanley Baker. S a r c a s m

I'm Michael Jackson OW 😂😂

Sorry for the short ass chapter but issa flashback :/ LAST FLASHBACK BTW

A 2000 word chapter is on its way for Christmas

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