t h i r t y

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"Alison, I think we should go back inside. It's getting cold." He said.

I guess I made it too awkward that he needed an excuse to leave. Why am I like this? I can never successfully interact with anybody without making them feel weird and uncomfortable. I'm an idiot with no social skills at all.

I wrapped my hands around each other to keep them warm from the wind that got colder and colder. I brought my hands close to my face and blew hot air into them.

"Let's just go back to yours." I stood up from the bench and held my hand out to lift him up from sitting.

He grabbed it and I attempted to pull him up but he wasn't cooperating. A smirk wiped onto his face as he saw me struggling to lift his body weight off of the bench.

"You know, in order for me to lift you up, you'll actually have to become loose and contribute."

He chuckled and decided to become loose, knowing how annoyed I was becoming at the little joke he was pulling.

I picked him up off of the bench and we walked towards the latch. He let me go first, like a gentlemen, but actually, he had the keys to the latch and the last one obviously has to close it.

He locked it while I stood there at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for him to finish. "You can keep walking. Just meet me at the lifts." He sensed that I was becoming impatient even if I wasn't.

"No, it's fine. I'll wait until you're finished." I said the words and ended my sentence as soon as he locked the latch. "Which is now."

He giggled with me as we started heading towards the final exit which lead to the hallways. We continued walking straight until we ended up at the lifts and I pressed the button. We waited for a lift in complete silence and the ding of the elevator made me jump a bit, indicating an elevator had arrived.

The lift ride was also silent and it was becoming awkward so I started to laugh out of nowhere.

"You alright?" He asked me as I laughed and stopped in a repeating pattern.

"Yeah, fine. I laugh at the most random things and the worst moments. I guess it's a personality trait of mine but not a good one. Who am I kidding, where's the good personality trait in me?" I let my thoughts flow out of my lips.

He didn't respond as we reached his floor and got out. He lead me to his room since I had no clue where it was. He opened the door to his hotel room and I ran to sit on the cold sheets.

"At least the room itself is warmer than outside. Bloody hell, I guess it gets really cold at night here."

He closed the front door and sat down on a chair, putting his knees up to his chest and blowing hot air into his hands. "I'm so fuckin' COLD!" He emphasized and wanted it to be known that he was cold. Or he was expecting to somehow become warmer by saying his thoughts louder.

"You know you could just sit on the bed with me, right?" I patted the bed. "Come on."

He stood up and sat on the bed. We were face to face on different ends of the bed as I sat on the head of the bed and he sat at the end. "So..." He said the most basic thing that one can say when there's nothing to talk about.

"So..." I echoed him and it became awkward again. "What else do you wanna talk about?" I straight up went to the point.

He shrugs. "Dunno. Just wanna get to know you better. That was the whole point of this."

I sigh. "Oh, um, well, what's there to know about dumbass me?" I asked myself out loud and pretended to think. "Literally nothing. Wait, never mind, I got something. I'm the plainest and most boring human being to walk on the face of this planet. Your turn."

hope  |  t.h.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt