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Everyone was laughing at this point. I tried not to spill my beer and was careful with how much I was laughing. Nobody wants to waste the precious beer in this bottle.

After it died down and everyone was back to normal, Z brought up a good point. "What about our drinks? Food please."

Jacob crossed his arms now. "She's right. Are you saying that because we don't like beer, we can't drink anything?" He was shaking his head in dIsApPoInTmEnT.

Tom's eyes widened. "Right. My bad. Drinks?" He stood up and faced Z and Jacob.

"No, thanks." Zendaya joked.

His hands were out in the air, trying to say 'what the fuck'. "What was the while point of that whole speech then?!"

Zendaya laughed at his reaction. "I'm joking Tommo. Juice please."

Tom scrunched his nose from being called 'Tommo' and mimicked Z.

He left for the kitchen and Jacob yelled out what he wanted. "Same for me!"

"Bring the chips!" I yelled as well.

I heard Tom sigh.

Nobody really spoke until he came back with two glasses of juice and went back into the kitchen. The only sound was Tom getting the juice and some of us drinking our beer.

I picked up the remote which was on the same sofa that I was on and turned on his T.V.. I opened up Netflix and went through everything.


The room was silent until everybody understood what I meant by that.

A smug smirk went across Jacob's face. I had no idea what that meant, but apparently, it wasn't good news.

Everyone rolled their eyes and spoke in unison except for Haz and I. "NO!" Haz just had a smirk on his face too.

"Can I be included into whatever this" I put my hands in the air and motioned towards everyone. "is?"

Haz tried not to laugh while telling me. "MEAN G—"


"You guys didn't even let me finish." He pouted his lips, pretending he was extremely hurt.

I chuckled. "Iconic but no. Not today Hazzie and Jakey." I babied the two men who sat with their arms crossed and their sad faces on.

Zendaya gestured towards me. "EXACTLY."

Jacob and Haz released a breath and Harrison spoke. "We will make a comeback with Mean Girls and one day, you guys will beg to watch it with us."

"So what are we agreeing on?" Jacob said.



"THE GREATEST SHOWMAN!" I shouted and looked at Zendaya.


"YES!" I agreed with Tony, changing my mind for a bit.

Jacob tried to persuade everyone to watch Doctor Strange. "Okay but The Greatest Showman and Solo aren't even on Netflix."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "But we do have DVDs. RIGHT TOM?!"

Tom heard his name being called. "What?!"

"I said, do you have Solo and The Greatest Showman on DVD, right?!"

Zendaya answered half of it for him. "He definitely has The Greatest Showman because guess who bought it for him?" She pinched her shirt. "This girl."

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