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"Wanna grab a drink with us?" Z was packing up her things and took out her car keys from her bag.

I sighed. "It's a work day tomorrow... Not really in the mood to get wasted and have a headache tomorrow."

She laughed. "No! I meant boba or something. I 100% agree with you though. I would never."

My cheeks felt hot. "Oh... Well sure. Sera has to come with."

Daya smirked a little. "That's a good thing. We're going now so..."

"W-we? Who else is going other than Sera and I?"

"The squad, duh. Well actually Tony can't come."

"Right, right. Let's get everyone and we can go. I haven't had boba in the longest time and I'm really craving some right now." I admitted.

Her eyes widened. "Damn well then we gotta whoosh there 'cause you really have been missing out for a while."

I push my glasses up since they were falling. "I really have been."

As if they were on queue, they all came into the room. "Let's gooooo." Tom whined.

I shook my head and sighed. "Says the one who was keeping us from leaving."

"You can't blame me."

"And why's that?" I definitely threw a little shade in that.

"Because..." He started.

I continued before he could finish. "You're Spiderman."

Harrison interfered. "But I'm Batman so I'm superior."

"Drop it, Haz. Let's just go." Zendaya was done with us.

We all left the room and to the car park. "Lovebirds." I heard Sera whisper.

I delayed my pace to walk with Sera. "I swear you probably told everyone about the two ships you have. It's not real!" I lied, unsure about how I really felt about Tom or Haz.

"It's back to the original ship. STOP CHANGING YOUR MIND. CHOOSE A MAN!" She raised her voice but not enough for everyone to hear.

We made it to the cars and here's where the decision making came in. "So are we taking our cars individually or..."

"CARPOOL!!" Jacob shouted in excitement.

"Okay then." I said, much quieter than Jacob's voice.

"So who's car?" Sera asked.

Tom and Jacob volunteered. "Not sure how we're gonna divide this though." Jacob added. "Never mind, my car's gonna fit all of us."

"Great! Let's do this." I got into the very back and sat beside Z with a space in between us. Haz and Sera were in front of us, Jacob in the driver's seat, and Tom for shotgun like before.

As the car started up, Z tapped Seraphina's shoulder, making her turn around. She whispered something into her ear that I couldn't hear but I could tell that it was something funny.

"What?" I asked, wanting to know what they were talking about.

Zendaya stumbled on her words. "N-nothing. It doesn't matter." She immediately started laughing when her eyes met with Sera's.

I didn't let it take over my thoughts. "Okay..."

Music started playing from the car and I just continued the whole ride by looking out the window. There was no talking either but it wasn't an awkward silence.

Every now and then, I'd look at everyone in the car but they never noticed. My eyes were mostly drawn to... Tom... And I hated that. Do I have secret feelings for him? Nah, it wouldn't ever happen.

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