t w e n t y - n i n e

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It was go time. The room was all dark except for the little light coming through the window from the city lights. 11:55pm. Why was I doing this again? Not sure but this is very, very, very dumb.

I put on my socks and slid on my Nike slides. I had a hoodie on and some sweats, not being bothered about how I dressed. Let's hope Tom doesn't care either.

I slowly opened the door and closed it gently too so I don't wake the Queen™ up. She needs her beauty sleep and I don't want her to question me and to ship Tom and I. We're just going as friends. No more dates for this potato. Besides, even if I may have the tiniest amount of feelings towards Tom, he'd never ever like me back. Also, I've come to a conclusion that dating just isn't for me.

I flinched now that I was in the bright hallway with tons of lights to illuminate it, being used to the darkness of the hotel room. I was headed to meet Tom where he told me to meet, on the floor where he was staying, near the lifts. I pressed the button for his floor and waited for it to to go up. I checked my phone and rolled my eyed at how late it was. I should be in bed right now whether I'd be asleep, awake, or on my phone. Either way, I knew this wasn't a good idea and nothing like what I'd usually do.

What are you doing, idiot? You have work! You'll see him tomorrow anyway, right? Maybe you can just cancel this shit.

Nope, by the time that last thought ran through my mind, I was walking out of the lift and was face to face with him. He was gazing down at his phone and was wearing a navy blue hoodie with 'The Swish Store' printed on it, a pair of simple grey sweats, and some black and white Jordan slides paired with socks like me. His hair was messy, yet it was perfectly hanging onto his forehead, and I can't deny, he made that simple outfit look good as hell.

I cleared my voice lightly to get his attention and it successfully worked. He appeared to be a little annoyed when he gazed up quick and back at his phone but then he noticed that it was me and put his phone away.

His smile almost illuminated the room to the point where it was blinding. "Hey." He greeted me in a soft tone.

"Hey." I whispered. "I hope this isn't stupid."

"You hope." He mimicked.

I chuckled at the comeback. "My middle name is Hope after all."

"Smart ass. Okay, well, let's go then, love." He reached out for my hand but I didn't take it.

Instead, I rose one of my brows and crossed my arms. "Where? I thought this was gonna be in your hotel room. Oh god, that sounds weird and wrong." I whispered the last part to myself and he chuckled at it, being able to hear me.

"Nope!" He grabbed my hand anyway and pulled me into the elevator that I just exited from. He then pressed the highest floor possible and I knew exactly where this was going.

I sighed and let go of his hand gently. "Are you dumb?! The roof?! Do you even have the key?! You can't just yeet me in the elevator like that!"

I was panicking. I've always been afraid of heights and Tom should know this after the plane ride to Prague. Heights make me so nauseous. Sure, I love seeing the view, but only in images. If I have to handle it first handed, I'd feel like I'd be sick to my stomach.

Even if I sat at the window seat for the flight, I had things to take my mind off of just how high we were. It isn't the view that I'm scared of, it's the fear of falling. I'm scared to fall from a high distance, especially when we're above the clouds. That'd be a brutal and long fall that I'd be panicking about.

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