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Sora and Rylan ran to Faiths side while Kay and another comrade ran to Larry's side.

"Faith!" Rylan yelled.

When they got to her side, blood started to stream into the dirt, making a small blood pool around her.

"Rylan! Help me pick her up!" Sora ordered.


They each took one shoulder and gently put her into the sitting position. The blood was mostly coming from her arm and her leg. Sora ripped his sleeves off and put each sleeve on her arm and leg, stopping the bleeding.

"We need to get her to the hospital...." Sora said.

"What about the cops? They are looking for her and she will be a sitting duck at the hospital." Rylan said with concern.

"What choice do we have?!" Sora yelled.

Rylan looked down at Faith who was still past out. "Okay."

Sora nodded. "Since I'm stronger, I'll carry her and you make sure she doesn't fall off my back."

Rylan nodded in agreement as they started to put Faith on Soras back.

"Oh, everyone else, go back to the hide out and we'll regroup there." Rylan said.

"Roger!" Everyone yelled.

Sora and Rylan started to run towards the hospital.

A few hours passed and Sora came through the hideouts doors. His jeans and jacket was all bloody.

"What happened?" One guy said coming up to Sora.

Apparently the sleeves wasn't enough to stop the bleeding so she kind of leaked on the way there.

"Where's Rylan?" Another asked.

"He's at the hospital with her. We're going to take shifts looking after her." Sora looked around the room. "I went to go retrieve her swords but they weren't there. Does anybody know where her swords are?"

"I brought them home." Carlos said coming up to Sora with the swords in his arms.

Sora took the swords from the small teenage boy. "Careful dude, you might cut yourself."

Sora took the swords and put them in Faiths office, a few seconds later he came out and shut the door. "Nobody goes in there, okay?" He commanded.

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Okay I'll be heading out know." Sora said as he headed towards the door.

"Can I come with you?" Carlos asked.

Sora turned to him. "Sure, everyone else stay here and hold down the fort." They both took their leave.

Rylan was sitting by Faith who was still passed out but she had bandages on her arm and leg. The door opened and a man came in. Rylan looked to see Robert in the doorway.

Rylan got up immediately.

"Chill boy, I'm not here to hurt your princess." Robert continued to walk in and sat on the side of her bed.

"Why are you here?" Rylan asked.

"Me and Faith go way back, I'm a friend of hers." Robert replied. "I can't visit a friend in the hospital?"

Rylan smiled. "Sorry, I was just being a little over protective I guess." Rylan sat down next to him. "So how exactly do you know Faith? What's your story?"

Robert laughed. "Your dad and I were best buds back in the day. Even though we didn't hang out a lot  because of work, we still kept in touch. Sometimes I would even babysit."

Asuna and Kirito's Afterstory Vol 3 Where stories live. Discover now