Half Dead Half Alive

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Everyone was talking about their current situation, Faith either had a little bit of life left or she was dead. Nobody really knew, even the doctor didn't know. She was still breathing but the doctor couldn't feel a pulse in her wrist or her neck and he didn't have a heart monitor with him. They weren't completely sure what was going on but it was possible that Faith was more dead than alive.

Rylan and Sora were sitting on Roberts police car while the others stayed close to Faith.

"I can't believe this is happening...." Rylan said sadly.

Sora didn't say anything, it was like his facial expression didn't show signs of care nor anger. It looked completely blank.

"What's with that facial expression?" Rylan asked a little annoyed.

"What facial expression?" He asked.

"You look like you don't care about what just happened but at the same time I don't see anger in your eyes."

Sora looked into Rylans eyes and saw there was every bit of emotion. Sadness, anger, worry, fear, etc. it was all there. "In case you haven't noticed but my face is almost emotionless 20/7, I have the same facial expression for 20 hours a day. The other 4 hours I'm either smiling or I'm angry. But I do feel emotion 24/7 so I'm not broken."

"Don't be such a smart ass, we all know that you don't feel anything! I'm pretty sure you don't even care about Faith!" Rylan was furious know and Sora could tell he wasn't going to hold back.

"May I remind you that I know myself better than anybody else, so why do you think you know me better than me?" Soras voice turned from calming to a little annoyed. "And if you say that you know Faith better than anyone than I'll punch your teeth in."

Rylan didn't know how to respond to that, he believed that he knew more about Faith than Sora at least but if he said that than he'll get beaten up for sure. "Are you saying you know more about Faith than I do?"

Sora shook his head. "Why are you making this a competition between us?"

"If I prove that I know her better than you I might have a better shot at becoming her...."

Sora glared at him. "Knowing more about someone won't change your relationship with her, she only sees us as the second and third commanders of our group."

"I disagree with that!"

"You can have more than one connection with someone, for example, I see my older sister as my older sister. Someone who I look up too, a caring, respectful, and responsible person. There are more than three connections right there. If you want to become Faiths "boyfriend" than you need to do more than just know the things she likes."

Rylans hands turned into fists. "Like you would know, have you ever had a girlfriend?"

Sora smiled. "Actually I have, have you?"

Rylan didn't say anything, he's never had a girlfriend before in fact he's never had a crush before. Faith is his first and only crush at the moment.

"Are you just saying this so you can get closer to her because it won't work...."

"Actually I'm giving friendly advise, not like your making it friendly." Sora got off the car and started to walk away.

"Where the hell are you going?" Rylan asked.

"I need to use the restroom...."

Rylan watched as Sora disappeared then focused on what he said. "So I have more than one connection with everyone?" He looked at his phone which had a screen saver of him and his parents. "I see my dad as a role model, a caring guy, and a hilarious person. Would that make different connections?" He looked at the group of people around Faith, he noticed her hair was still perfect and looked even more beautiful than before. Even though he couldn't see her face he felt more attracted to her than when he last saw her. "So if I want to become her boyfriend, I have to try to make that connection with her?"

Sora came back and sat back on the car, he stayed quiet until Rylan spoke to him. "So have you given up on her?"

Sora looked at him. "Why do you think that?"

"Your not making much of an effort and your telling me all this stuff. That's not like you." Rylan knew Sora wasn't telling him something.

"Well, I would stop trying to get with her if you know what's good for you."

"Why are you saying that?"

Sora sighed. "She......she has a boyfriend....." He replied sadly.

"What! No way!"

"Yup, he's pretty cool too." Sora hated to admit it but even though he hated the guy for it he couldn't help but feel cool around him.

"W-When did this happen?" Rylan asked.

"They've been dating for a while now, she didn't want to tell us because she thought that we might get protective of her or something. Honestly I don't know the exact reason."

Rylan was still trying to process everything. "S-So How did you find out she had a boyfriend?"

"I was walking in the mall when I saw her with him, at the time I thought he was another friend of hers but deep down I knew they were close."

"What did he look like?" Rylan asked.

"He definitely had this "cool" vibe to him and he was good looking too."

Rylan gave him a weird face. "Are you gay?"

"What kind of a question is that! No I'm not gay!" Sora said irritatedly.

"Just checking..."

"Anyways, he had a bad ass jacket on, droopy jeans, and some really expensive shoes on. From afar I couldn't tell what kind of shoes they were but I knew they were expensive. His jacket was black and had a cool sign on the back, his jeans were also black and had a chain attached to it. It was a small chain though, barely hung from the top of his pants."

"What about the guy himself?" Rylan asked curiously.

"I didn't see his face, he had his hood over his head but I do know the color his hair..." Rylan waited for an answer. "It looked like it was navy blue or a light black."

Rylans head dropped. "Of course, all the hot guys have navy blue hair...."

"I also noticed he had a skateboard with him..." Sora pointed out. "That tells me he's a skater."

"Of course." Rylans head was still droopy. "Does that mean Faith is a skater too?"

Sora thought for a moment. "She did have a skateboarder with her when they were in the mall and she is a delinquent. I'm honestly not surprised though."

"I am!" Rylan yelled.

"Chill dude, it's not the end of the world." Sora said as he leans on his hand which was placed on his leg.

"What if she ends up marrying this guy, it's the end of the world for us!" Rylan froze. "Wait, does her parents know about him?"

Sora shook his head. "I'm pretty sure she would be grounded for life."

"Then how about we sabotage their next date!" Rylan said excitedly.

"That would be fun and all but your missing an important part of the picture."


Sora pointed over to Faiths unconscious body, Rylan went from happy to sad. "Right.... lets just hope she's okay...."

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