Battle to End

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"Hey Kuroyukihime? There are a couple people that look familiar but I can't identify them. Do you have anything to do with this?" Sora asked not taking his eyes off the group of people.

Hime gulped. "Haha, what do you mean?" She said in a guilty tone.

"Did you have something to do with this? Who are these people and why do they look familiar?"

Hime sighed. "They might be friends of Asunas and Kazutos."

"Silica, Klein, and Liz?" Asuna asked with an amazed voice.

"Or Keiko, Klein, and Rika..." Hime said under her breath with sass.

"What was that?" Kazuto asked. "Was that sass young lady?"

"What? No dad, just focus on the investigation." She responded in a thick voice. She continued to scan the layout of the building on her computer.

"What is Silica, Klein, and Liz doing here?" Asuna asked with concern.

"Okay, before you get mad at me let me explain." Hime said defensively yet innocently. "I thought it would be a good idea to have more people gathering information. Safe than sorry."

Kazuto sighed and looked at Asuna who was standing next to him. She nodded, sighing again he turned back to his hidden ear piece. "Alright, do we have connections with them?"

"No, if they find information I will share it with you. Their job is to find deeper information about our enemy and what their intentions are. They can't be interrupted." Hime warned. She felt like there was more to this than ending Japan and possibly the world but how are they going to do that?

Rylan and Carlos exited out of the air vents and found themselves in a room filled with abnormal energy. Somehow, it had a thick fog that stuck to the walls but never left the room. "What is this?" Carlos asked swinging his arm through the dense fog.

"I don't know but I have a feeling it has something to do with the investigation." They headed out of the room and ran down the hall.

"Alright, go right and go all the way to the end." Hime said through the ear piece.

Rylan and Carlos did, a bunch of doors were everywhere. They had a wired feeling every time they passed a door, who knows what were behind them. Whatever it was he didn't want to know. They reached the end of the hallway and found a door, they opened and saw a stairway going down. It was all metal and looked rusted.

"Go down those stairs." Hime commanded.

Rylan gulped, they slowly and carefully walked down the stairs. Some stairs felt like they were going to cave in and others felt sturdy but untrustworthy. After a few flight of stairs, they found themselves in the basement. A large door was at the end of a hallway, everything was dark and some of that fog was in some corners. They walked over to the door and opened, something told Rylan that it wasn't a good idea to go in there but he had to. He opened the door and saw a few computers, a desk, a chair, and all the security panels.

"Good, now go onto the computer and locate everyone. There should be a screen that shows everyone in the room, you need to make sure they don't have security access and a way out. Give your friends and family access though."

Rylan nodded and accessed the computer, a screen pulled up that showed the outline of the building and moving dots. He noticed some were red, he clicked on the ones that were red, it showed unknown names. "That must be Sora and everyone else." Carlos mentioned.

He noticed a list of people on the side, he highlighted everyone and clicked "deny security access", then he selected his friends and click "grant security access".

"Good, change the settings of the doors and turn off their phones." Hime ordered.

Rylan was clicking away when Carlos noticed something. He looked at the desk and noticed a bag of chips that were open. "Something doesn't seem right." He said.

"What do you mean?" Rylan asked.

"Why would there be an open computer sitting in a basement? Why wouldn't it be locked? To think an open computer without a password randomly sitting in a basement is beyond wired." Carlos has a worried tone.

Rylans eyes widened. "Your right, that does seem weird." Rylan finished clicking and applied all the new settings.

A few seconds of silence passed when they heard moaning. The room they were in was large, filled with a lot of stuff, and didn't have any lights. The only light they had access to was the computer. The moaning grew closer and closer, it sounded like it was all around them. They heard something fall over to their left, their heads turned that way. A man slowly came out of the darkness, he had keys on his belt, a uniform to indicate he was a security guard, his eyes were blood shot, he was drooling, and was hunched over. He looked like someone who has been drugged but also looked like a zombie. Carlos got scared as the figure walked out of the darkness. He hid behind Rylan who glared at the man.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" He asked himself. "He doesn't look alright."

"We should get out of here." Carlos suggested.

Faith was on top of another building, once Hime told her the security was off, she went to the back of the building and looked towards the building in front of her. She got into a running stance and started to run towards the end of the building. As she came closer and closer, her eyes changed more and more. She placed her foot on the edge of the roof and leaped into the air. Her straight pushed far enough to land on top of the building where the party was being held. She landed on her feet but rolled to break the fall.

Everyone in the party room was confused why their phones wouldn't work and why they couldn't get out of the room. They heard the thud on top of the roof and started to panic, Sora was watching everyone freak out and tried to get their phones to work. Sora happened to glance towards an old man, he was wearing a fancy black suit with red outline, he had a mustache and a small beard, he had glasses and slicked back white hair. He looked like he was in his 60's or 70's, the old man was looking around. He looked at his watch and walked towards another door. Surprisingly the door was open, he disappeared behind it. Sora followed him, he opened the door and before he knew it he was pushed out into the crowd. He landed onto the floor, confused, he looked at the door and noticed the old man had a chair. He stood before Sora and glared down at him. "So your the one who set off my security alarms." He started in a deep voice. "You have no right to be here!"

Sora grinned. "Looks like I've been caught." Sora got up and took a stance against the old man. "Tell me this, why are you hosting a party in an abandoned warehouse?"

The old man smiled. "We're celebrating our new release of a special object." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a circular blue ball.

"What the hell is that?" Sora asked.

"You'll find out soon enough but since your friends know what we're up to I can't have you roaming the streets. So, you will al have to die."

Kazuto and Asuna came in through tone of the doors, Kazuto made sure the door closed behind them. The old man noticed. "Ah now there's a sight, haven't seen you two in a millennium!"

"Who are you?!" Kazuto asked with a furious tone.

"I figured you haven't figured it out so let me introduce myself, my names is Narusaka Yukito, and I'm you father Kazuto."

Asuna and Kirito's Afterstory Vol 3 Where stories live. Discover now