Family and Friends Together!

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The plane continued to fly through the air, Hime was setting up something that involved a big screen while everyone talked. She had a device in her hand, she was going through it while setting up the big screen. Faith was still passed out on the table.

"Okay, let's go over the plan!" Hime yelled out as she finished up setting up. "First let's go over everyone's roles, my job is to stay behind and walk everyone through, step by step. I'll be in a van near this location." She pulled up a map of the general area and pointed to a place under a bridge. "Sora, you have the role of undercover. Your job is to gather information in this building during the party." She pointed to a large business building a couple miles away from Himes location. "Rylan and Carlos, you have one of the important jobs. You have to crawl through the ventilation system, find, and cut their internet or power to all devices in the building. Here's the important part, allow internet access to these certain devices. There should be a button to allow access and if you need a password, use this." She handed Rylan a piece of paper with letters and numbers on it. "This is the internet password." She walked over to the board and pointed to the outside of the building. "Mom and dad will go here, here are your fake IDs so you can pretend your agents that work for them." She handed them ID cards that had their picture on them and an ID scan. "Don't ask me how I got them and if you need to go inside then tell me and I'll buzz you in."

Kazuto looked Asuna with a concerned face, Asuna smiled at him.

"And lastly." She sighed. "Faith, she has the finishing role. She needs to get into the building and hack the bosses computer, the reason why I gave her this role was because she can kill whoever catches her. She will find a certain file that has the bosses plan, once we find what the plan is we can figure out how to prevent it." Hime gives them all a piece of paper with every step of their processes.

"Do you have a theory on what the bosses goal is?" Sora asked after he looked over his paper.

"We believe he has the authority and the intention on killing most of the citizens in Japan and some in China." She said sadly.

"No way! For real!" Rylan said filled with shock.

She nodded. "Theirs also a possibility that he will go after citizens in the U.S. as well, but that's after he takes care of Japan."

"How do you know all this?" Kazuto asked.

"We've been after this person for a long time so I pulled up all the shit he's done in the past and it's not pretty. He has a pure obsession with killing people." She replied.

"No way, so if we fail then...." Asuna couldn't finish her sentence.

"Then most of the world will be in danger, half the world will be in our hands."

Sora sighed. "Damn, this is going to be rough."

The plane landed, once the door opened they got off the plane and grabbed their luggage. Kuroyukihime approaches the planes doorway with Faith in her hands. Her arm was around Himes neck, Hime held her waist and her right arm. One step after another, they walked down the stairway slowly.

"Do you need help?" Rylan asked.

Hime shook her head. "I'm used to this, our family goes to meeting fairly often and I'm always in charge of her when we land."

"I see, I guess that can be hard sometimes." Rylan took his suitcase out of the trunk.

"Not really, she's pretty light." They got to the bottom of the stairs. "We should get going, our plan is live in less than 5 hours."

Later that night:
The party was as big as a large family reunion, everyone was dressed in fancy clothing and drinking fancy wines. Sora was walking through the crowd avoiding specific people while caring a plate with wine on it. He had his ear piece in his ear, he reached and turned it on. "Alright, fancy eagle is positioned." He said quietly.

Asuna and Kirito's Afterstory Vol 3 Where stories live. Discover now