Chapter 4: 'just my luck'

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Unfortunately the BAU team is still in Boston working on the butcher case after 5 days the unsub still hasn't been caught. Everyone is stressing out a little and the team isn't even cautious of how they look because not even make up can cover the bags under their eyes.

*Garcia's POV*

It's been so stressful for all the team and I'm sure Boston PD are too. I went to go get my 10th coffee today and it's only 10am.

'Phone rings'

"Hello James are you okay? Oh thank god thought something was wrong. Yes I'm going to have to travel out to Boston soon so I won't be able to make our date. Yes I will be free that night everyone will have the night off because they are all so stressed, but are you sure you want to come all the way to Boston for our date. Awh. Okay see you tomorrow. Bye."

I want expecting that. No guy ever would make that travel just for a date but he said he couldn't o another day without seeing me. I better head off to the jet as I have to be in Boston asap.

*JJ's POV*

Looking through all these papers of people that work in restaurants is killing me. I can't wait for Garcia to get here so she can use her computer skills to shorted all the lists down. It's like everything is going wrong. As things that Garcia is sending over we are not receiving and it will take time for her to fix it so she is on her way here. I just want to find this son of a bitch fast before he takes someone else's innocent life away.

'Tweet tweet'

Message from Garcia: OMG OMG jj James is coming here tomorrow to see me! Isn't that so sweet!!

Reply: I'm happy for you pen! I really hope he is the guy we will talk more when you get here.

*Reid's POV*

Figuring out this note is so hard. It's in some sort of code. It could tell us who it is because it was something he dropped.

[5 hours later]

Finally Garcia arrived and got cracking to work. Everyone was working as hard as they could it was silent in the prescient.

"I got him" Reid shouted.

"Address" Garcia said.

"2234 backan street" Reid said as he started to gather his gun and vest.

"Let's go" Hotch ordered.

Everyone was back and the unsub was caught and a life was saved. Finally we can rest for a little bit.

"Were going to stay for 3 night for a little holiday. As I have some work to be done here." Hotch explained.

"Awesome" Morgan said.

*Garcia's POV*

Just my luck we get to stay so I can have my perfect date with him.

[1 day later]

It finally got to that time. Garcia's date. She got all dallied up and wore a really nice purple silk dress, with purple lipstick that matched. She applied mascara trying not to get any clumps and then a little bit of blusher. She was done and then there was a soft knock at the door. With a big smile on her face she opened the door.

"Hello" she said in a sort of whisper.

"Hi... Wow... Penelope you look beautiful" James explained with glistening eyes magnetised to her.

"Thank you James your not so bad yourself" Garcia said with a little cute laugh.

They made there way to Bella itallia. Which was Penelope's favourite Italian restaurant. He opened the car door for her and closed it behind her. Made small talk in the car and finally they arrived. Garcia's eyes were just looking at him. She didn't see what was in the corner of the room. Until she did.

"Oh no it can't be" Garcia said with her head hung low.

"This is going to ruin everything" she said in a sort of whisper.

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