Chapter 24: 'its just the beginning'

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After a long drive that felt like days the van came to a stop. She could hear the man inside the car fiddling with something then she heard him send a text message. Then the front can door was opened and slammed shut which made Emily's nerves get worse. It was silent for a minuet then just as she went calm the boot door was swung open. But opposite the boot was another van with it's boot open. The man chucked emily in the other van and then Aaron she saw the mans face and she didn't recognise him at all. But he close the boot and then the van they were in drove away. This ride was a lot shorter when they got there the man that was driving came to the boot opened it and before Emily even got a look outside he put a black sack over her head and he done the same to Aaron, even though he was still out cold. When the man had stopped pulling her around he handcuffed her to a bed maybe as she was able to sit up and lay down. She still had the black sack on her head which made her more nervous not knowing her surroundings. But the worst thing was knowing that Aaron was here too. She didn't want him to get hurt.

*Emily's POV*

I should be happy that Aaron was here but if he got hurt it would be all my fault. I couldn't stop shaking which made the handcuffs hit the metal and make a noise. I still don't know who the leader is on kidnapping me and Aaron because so far the 2 men that I have seen I don't recognise them. There just two strangers, but why would they want to kidnap me? What's the motive the only thing I can think of is there is a leader to this whole thing, and I knew exactly who it was. James.... I told someone now he is going To hurt everyone I care about and then me last. I should have just kept it to myself I feel selfish and responsible. I know the only way I can get out if this is if James dies but he has an advantage. He has me and James hostage and we have no back up or hardcore materials. Plus were in handcuffs and his not. I just hope Aaron is okay, if he gets hurt of dies it will be all my fault.

Garcia was getting ready to call James and pretend like everything is okay. Her palms started to get all sweaty and she could barley hold the phone. But she managed and she clicked on to his contact very slowly. It ran for about 30 seconds until he picked up.

*hi James. Yeah I'm good. I was just wondering if you were free tonight? You aren't. Whys that. Oh right well say hi to your auntie Jamie for me. Yes course maybe another night . Love you too. Bye*

The 'I love you' words you could see were very hard for Garcia to say. But she done it and got a trace.

"That's weird" Garcia said.

"His auntie Jamie died 2 years go" Garcia explained.

"Oh.... Did you get a trace?" JJ asked.

"Yes I did but here's another weird part. It's 8 hours away" Garcia explained.

"But how the hell did they get there that quick?" JJ asked.

" maybe he was speeding and didn't get caught because they took the back roads" Garcia explained.

"Yeah maybe well let's go before it's too late" JJ explained.

"I'm coming too" Garcia said but the way she said it and was walking out the door it was like JJ didn't have any choice to say no.

JJ ran out of Garcia's office went to Morgan, Reid and Rossi and told them the news they all got there stuff and was ready to hit the road they all got into one SUV and Morgan drove with Rossi in the passenger seat and jj,Garcia and Reid in the back. They were all just hoping and praying they will make it in time because they don't know what they will do if they didn't make it in time.

Emily could hear foot steps coming closer and closer to her then they whipped off the black sack and her eyes adjusted and she could see everything. It was like a night mare, but she had a feeling it was going to be dark, painful and it was going to leave a nasty scar with all the things set up like they were activities, she knew she was in for a long one and so was Aaron. She just wants to wake up, for it all to be over, but she knew that wouldn't happen just yet. She had some tasks to complete. She just had to realise and let the games begin.

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