Chapter 28: 'knock knock'

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{2 weeks later}

Rossi wanted to bring the family back together as what happened to Emily everyone has been distant trying to go around the topic. But they were going round each other too, only talking about the cases. He wanted to have a dinner at his house with all the family together for a dinner. The kids included.

*saturday at 6pm round mine for a dinner. Everyone can come.* Rossi sent in a group message to everyone. He got replies all of them were 'yes I'll be there'.

It came to Saturday and rossi spent most of the afternoon making his famous pasta dish. They had the day off work and got the other team in as they all needed a break. He made his mansion all clean and smell of cooking, but no so you will hate the smell. The living room smelt of sented candles. In the dining room he laid 10 plates at the table but with 2 plastic plates for Henry and Jack, also with booster seats on the chair. He brought loads of drinks as it was going to be a relaxing evening. Trying to put the peices back together.

The clock turned 6pm and there was a knock at the door, in his mind he already knew who it was. Because he was expecting company. Which doesn't happen often no one really knocks if they need to give something they post, because they know Rossi is never in.

"Hey aaron" Rossi said as he smiled.

"Hey mate" aaron said but before he could finish Jack ran in and gave Rossi a big hug.

"Hey jack buddy" Rossi chuckled.

Rossi knew that emily was going to come in with Aaron so when he saw her it was no surprise.

"Hi rossi" emily said as she walked in.

"Hi bella" Rossi said as he gave her a meaningful hug.

There relationship was special. Like a father and daughter relationship, they had lunch together sometimes and just talked Emily felt like she could tell him anything and the same with Rossi, he can tell her anything.

They walked to the kitchen as Rossi got the drinks, and Aaron helped.

*door bell rings*

Rossi walks to the door and opens it seeing jj, morgan, reid, will, garcia and Henry.

They all said Their hellos and walked to the kitchen where they said Their hellos to Aaron and emily and Jack. When spencer saw emily he froze for a second because of how beautiful she looked. She was wearing clothes that no one had seen before on her, it was the first time she has come out of her shell since the incident happened.

The ladies headed to the living room as the men stayed in the kitchen talking to Rossi, and helping with the dinner.

"So how's the boss" Garcia said as she smiled.

"Good" emily said in embarrassment.

"No need to be embarrassed em, we all know what people do" JJ said reassuring Emily.

"So Aaron and Emily. I saw it coming" Rossi explained.

"Yeah me too, I remember when I wanted to land on her" Morgan laughed.

"I've seen a different side to her and she is amazing" Aaron explained.

"You mean in bed" will chuckled.

At the moment Emily and Aaron's relationship is the hot topic at the moment. Which was annoying for Emily and Aaron because they got all the questions, some were personal they just made up an answer but some they had to speak the truth as they were put onto a spot. But they didn't mind because they were close to these people. It was hard for spencer to hear about Aaron and Emily having sex because he still liked Emily even though he knew it will never happen. But he can still admire a flawless human being.

As Rossi was just putting the pasta in hot boiling water he heard a knock on the door, which was unusual because everyone was here and he wasn't expecting anyone else, and no one ever knocks.

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