Chapter 14: 'the perfect date'

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Emily has had enough of all the ball shit James has been giving her so she walked away and didn't shake his hand. Luckily JJ and Garcia weren't looking when Emily walked away and dodged his hand shake otherwise they would have suspected something. But maybe Emily should have done that as James gave her a I'm coming to get you look. But she has had enough, she has been trained not to be scared, but she was as she didn't know when he was going to come back and hurt her again.

"Bye guys thanks for your help" Garcia said as she walked out of door with James following close behind her.

"Bye have fun guys" jj replied as she closed the door.

"I gotta get home to Henry" jj said.

"Okay, see you tomorrow at work" Emily said as jj pulled her in for a hug.

"Ow" Emily said as she rubbed her side.

"Oh sorry em" jj said softly.

"No it's fine. I'm fine" Emily said with a smile.

Garcia and James arrived at a fancy restaurant james and set up for them. They had a table by a window so they can see the view.

"This is so nice" Garcia said with a smile.

"Best table in the restaurant for our perfect date, with a perfect woman" James said with that charming smile.

Garcia giggled at what he just said to her.

"What's going on with Emily?" James asked to know if all his lies and secrets are still a secret.

" she had a car accident, i was so afraid that she was dead" garcia said with a sad look.

"Oh my that's horrible. But at least she is okay now" James said.

"Yeah she's much better, it's been fun having sleepovers everyday" Garcia said, sounding like a kid.

"It must be" James chuckled.

The evening went by swiftly, 2 bottles of bubbly champagne had been drunk, the convocation was still going on. The night was almost over, but it was like they didn't even want to leave. James wasn't like any other guy. He kept the convocation going like he didn't want it to end. But the restaurant was about to close and they left. Outside it was beautiful, all the fairy lights were on.

Finally they were back at Emily's apartment.

"I had a nice evening" James said.

"Me to" Garcia said.

James walked closer to Garcia and kissed her.

"Goodnight" james said.

"Night" Garcia said with a smile.

James watched Garcia walk inside the apartment block. When she wasn't in the distance James pulled out his phone from his pocket.

*hi it's me. Yeah finally the night is over. I just need Penelope to get out of Emily's apartment so I can pay emily a visit. Yeah. I'm sure she will love it. It will be a total surprise. But we will love it more. Yeah well Penelope goes back to her own apartment in 3 days so in 5 days. See you then. Bye.

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