Chapter 16: 'the panic attack'

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Aaron was shocked at the sight. He froze for a minuet but then reality Seattle in and he saw that Emily was in pain and he needed to help her.

"Oh my god emily are you okay?" He said as he ran to her side.

"I'm fine can you just help me up please" Emily said.

As Emily stood up the blanket exposed her back and her ass. Aaron tried not to look but he couldn't resist. Her ass was perfect but something caught his eye. There was a massive black and blue bruise on her back that looked like it had been there for a while.

"Em, where did you get that bruise on your back?" Hotch asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh that I fell when I was getting used to my crutches" Emily lied.

"It looks painful. Look we better get you to a hospital" Aaron said.

But Emily being emily she refused to go to a hospital and she kept saying she was fine but the cut on her head was too big she was going to need stitches.

Aaron wasn't taking no for an answer so he took his top off and pulled it over her. It looked like a dress on her then he got her little shorts and put them on carefully he then carried her in his arms to his car, then he drove her to a hospital.

"I'm fine I don't need to go to a hospital" Emily nagged.

"Emily your hurt you need help" Aaron said.

Emily was being seen by a doctor and Aaron was stuck to his seat. He wasn't leaving until he knew if Emily was okay.

"So how did this happen?" The doctor asked emily.

"I fell and tripped and cut my head" Emily lied... Again.

" what happened to your back?" The doctor asked.

"I wasn't used to my crutches and I fell on something" Emily said.

She was getting sick of herself lying but it had to be done. She didn't want anyone she loved to be hurt because she said something.

{1 hour later}

Emily was all done being checked over and getting dressing over her cuts and stitching on her cut on her heard.

Aaron had offered to drive emily home and when they were in Emily's apartment he made her coffee and cleaned up the accident, then he sat down and watched friends with her. oWhile he was sitting there he was planning how he should make his first move because he thought maybe he will never be able to get this close to her again.

They started to get closer then Aaron made his move. He pushed his full lips onto Emily's, she kissed him back and moved her body on top of his. As Aaron was touching emily all Emily could see was James and his friend mike, all she could feel was the roughness and she was starting to panic. Forgetting that it was Aaron she started screaming.

"Get off me! You can't do this" Emily screamed as she kicked as had as she could.

"Emily calm down. It's me aaron" Aaron said trying to calm her down.

After a while emily stopped. Aaron was shocked about what happened, he's a profiler he knows what these actions mean.

How he was going to ask her.. We that was something else. But all that was on his mind was


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