Chapter 33: 'stop!'

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Emily and Derek were naked under the covers, and Aaron was forced to watch. They all just wanted it to stop. When Morgan's manhood slipped in Emily she couldn't help but grab the quilt because how it felt inside her. She didn't want it to feel good but it just did. As Morgan moved up and down on her pale, warm, sexy body she let out a moan. She couldn't help it, it just slipped out. It was getting hard for Aaron to watch he couldn't bare it anymore.

"Stop!" Aaron shouted.

Emily and Morgan stopped and they looked at each other and then they turned to Aaron. Before they could say anything the door swung open.

"I told you not to stop" Alfie shouted.

"Your no use Morgan" Alfie said as he grabbed Morgan and chucked him out of the bed. Then Alfie started unchanging and got into bed with Emily.

"Now I'm going to show you how it's done" Alfie said as he grabbed Emily.

"No you can't. I don't want it" Emily screamed.

Emily just wanted it to stop and so did Aaron and Morgan. Emily had tears running down her face and Alfie went up and down on her shivering body.

Down stairs everyone was sitting there and just waiting for something else to happen. Harry went to the kitchen and was making something. During that time will grabbed Rossi's gun which was in his drawer. Then he ran back and sat down. There was 5 bullets in the gun which means he could kill both of them. But the thing that was worrying him was that if he shot harry them Alfie would run, maybe hurt Emily, Aaron or Morgan. There was so many risks. He just had to do it at the right time so no one he loved will get hurt.

It was so silent down stairs then they heard a scream. They knew it was Emily. Rossi nearly got up out of his seat and run upstairs to help her but will grabbed him and got him to sit back down, rossi knew why he done it but he just wanted everything to be different.

Alfie put his hand over Emily's mouth and hit her to shut her up.

"Don't you touch her you sick son of a bitch" Aaron shouted.

"Don't you like me doing this to her Aaron? Well just to let you know it feels so good" Alfie explained as he smiled.

Morgan had to keep Aaron calm before he done something stupid.

After 30 minuets the torture was done. Emily was left lying there, naked cold and crying. She didn't know what to do. When this was going to end. But they all knew that non of them were going to give up.

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