chatper 20: 'broken glass'

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Hotch woke up at 6am as the flight left at 7am and it only takes 10 minuets to get to the plane. He sent a text to everyone to make sure they were awake. He grabbed his to-go bag packed everything in it and walked in the bathroom and took those free lemon sented soaps.

JJ woke up with a lovely text message from will. *get home safe sweetheart I love you loads*

She smiled as she rolled out of bed. Not standing up straight quite yet she went to go turn the shower one. As she placed her clothes in the corner of the bathroom so they wouldn't get splashes of water on them. She then stood in the shower and let the hot water run down her body, as the water covered every last but of dry skin goosebumps started to appear. She then got out her strawberry and pomegranate flavoured body wash and scrubbed until her body was full of white soap suds. She then stepped back under the hot water until no more soap suds were in sight.

Then she dried herself and put her clothes on and started to pack all of her belongings.

Finally everyone else was finished packing and they were on there way to the plane.

Emily finally woke up seeing that she had cut her face and arm and forehead. Even though how much it hurt she got up and raced back to the hotel room gathering all her things and making her way to the plane. As she was late she didn't have anytime to wash or clean up her cuts. She has discovered all different little cuts that hurt the most on her body.

Everyone was at the airport accept Emily. She was never late. "Where's em? Has anyone spoken to her?" Jj asked.

No one answered as they all thought of the worst. But it's like a natural instinct, you can't always be positive. Then they saw A taxi pull up and saw emily get our. They all smiled in relief until she turnt around to see all the blood and torn clothing.

"Oh my god" Derek said as he ran over to her and took her bag from her.

"Em what happened?" Spencer asked with a concerned look.

"I don't even know, I blacked out and just 20 minuets ago I woke up in the middle of a alleyway with cuts everywhere. There was blood on the floor" Emily said.

They could all see that she was in pain but she tried to keep it in. Derek and Aaron helped her on the plane and sat her down. They could all see straight away that she is going to need stitches on the cut on her forehead.

"I'm gonna go look for other cuts and go change"Emily said as she stood up.

Emily gave jj that 'please help look' so she got up and helped emily in the bathroom and jj also went in to help Emily with her cuts.

"How are you?" Jj asked. "Not that great I feel all sick and in pain" Emily said.

"Where does it hurt?" Jj asked.

"My back it's killing me" Emily said.

Emily lifted up her shirt so she was just in her bra. She turnt around so JJ could see her back. "Oh my god em no wonder why your in pain" JJ said as she was staring at her back.

"What! What is it!" Emily panicked.

"You have a massive cut that has glass in it. This flight is 6 hours long and you need it out now. Hotch is the best person to do it" JJ said.

"What no just leave it in there" Emily said even though she couldn't.

"Em you know you can't" Jj said.

"Fine" Emily said.

Jj opened the door as Emily held her top over her chest.

"Um hotch Emily has a massive cut on her back that has glass in it, your the only one that is trained to get it out" jj explained.

Hotch got straight up and sped walked over. He move Emily's black silk hair to get a good look at the cut.

"Okay Emily go lie on your front a the back and I will be back" hotch ordered.

Emily nodded and made her way to the back. She placed herself on the chairs lying on her front.

Hotch then came over and stated carefully removing the glass from her cut. {2 hours later}

Emily was all bandaged up and glass free. She was sitting looking out the window. Thinking about all the bad stuff that is going to happen. About James, accept for last night that's all she thinks about. It's like he's a scar that you can never get rid off and it sometimes hurts you and it is just a reminder of what happened to you. Surrounded by her family she drifted off to sleep.

{3 hours later}

"Em, Emily wake up" Aaron said as he shook her lightly.

Emily got right up In a fright.

"What uh" Emily said as her eyes were adjusting back to the light.

"Were about to land" Aaron said as he took a seat opposite her.

"Oh right well that was fast" Emily said as she smiled.

"Yeah I guess it was" Aaron replied back.

She was surprised that Aaron was speaking to her after she acted like a complete slut at the bar last night. But she was glad as she didn't want it to be awkward between them. "We don't have a case this afternoon, the other teams are going to handle it, because of out jet-lag. Just going to start fresh tomorrow" Aaron said as he fastened his seat belt because they were about to land.

"That's great I can get stuff do e around the house" Emily said as she looked down to the floor, as that wasn't the only thing her night had in store for her.

"You can come round for dinner tonight and watch the fiends marathon with me if you would like?" Aaron asked as he smiled. Emily was thinking that it will be her get out if pain free card so she took it. She knew that James didn't know where Aaron lived so he couldn't get to her. Plus she thinks Garcia is going out with him tonight.

" yeah that will be great" Emily replied back.

Aaron was shocked at her answer. This night he is going to spend some time with her, ask her about the things that are happening.

"Great I will pick you up at 5pm" Aaron said.

"It's okay I can just drive round" Emily said.

"Okay see you at 5pm" Aaron said.

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