Chapter 8: 'time'

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Emily was stunned by the question Aaron just asked her. I think he knew it by the way she was looking at him, her mouth was open but no words or sounds we exiting out. Eventually she finally developed how to speak again and change her facial expression on her face.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good" Emily said like nothing had even happened in that last minuet.

Aaron didn't look relieved even when she said she was fine. He has known her for 4 years he knows when she's lying. But he didn't know why she couldn't tell him or anyone, if he did he will understand.

Aaron got out of his seat, as he stood up he reached over and patted Emily's knee. He could see he smile even though she was trying to hide it.

Emily was sitting on her own and Spencer was watching her from the opposite corner of the room. Since she saved him, he hasn't really had the time to say thank you, he didn't really want to ask what happened or if she is okay because he guessed she has already been bom barded with those questions already. Spencer got up from his seat and walked over to Emily holding on to the seats so he won't fall over on his way to her. Looking at her from an angle and seeing how beautiful she is. So natural and perfect. Spencer has had a crush on Emily and was going to act on it but changed his mind as he didn't want things to be weird if something went wrong. But most of all he was Reid he want the most relationship type of person, he didn't even know how to start a conversation of with her if the subject wasn't about their job.

Spencer finally had sat down opposite Emily.

"Hey.... Um Emily I didn't get a chance to say thank you" Spencer said.

Emily's face frowned at the sentence he just said to her. She had totally forgot about what she done as she was trying to hide that her make up had washed off and her bruises were showing.

"No need to say thank you Spencer. It was just a friend saving a friend, the team wouldn't be the same without you" Emily said softly.

"Thanks Emily, and the team wouldn't be the same without you" Spencer said as they both smiled at each other.

There was a little romantic sense in the air, but Emily hasn't really ever felt any romantic feels for Spencer until this moment. That little connection they just had made her feel special and that she meant something, and the same thing with Spencer. Her words made him feel like he meant something.

"I'm sure everyone can manage" Emily said in a jokey manner.

"Yeah we can manage" Spencer chuckled.

"Heyy" Emily said as she laughed.

But in the corner of the room Aaron was watching them. He was jealous because he loved Emily. Guess his time has ran out to admit that he loved her.

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