Chapter 29: 'unconcious'

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Rossi just walked to the door, like anyone knocks so no one got scared, Especially the kids. He looked through the peephole and saw it was a delivery, he tried to think and remembered that he ordered a kitchen utensil online.

Rossi opened the door, signed for the package and closed the door.

He walked the kitchen and placed the package down on the kitchen side. Then he walked to the living room.

"Dinner is ready. If you would like to make your way to the dining area" Rossi informed.

Everyone stood up, grabbed their drinks and made there way to the dining area.

"I'll give you a hand" Morgan said, as he walked to the kitchen with Rossi.

Morgan grabbed the big bowl of pasta, and walked to the dining room and placed it in the middle of the table. Then he walked back and grabbed 2 bottles of wine and put it on the table. Everyone was happy sitting eating, chatting about stupid things that they all laughed at anyway.

{1 hour later}

An hour had passed and they were all sitting at the table, drinking there drinks and eating the tiny pieces of pasta on there plate.

"I will get the desert" Rossi said as he got up and started collecting everyone's empty plates.

"I will come and help" Aaron said as he got up and collected the plates that Rossi couldn't manage.

"So em, how you been" Garcia asked.

"Um.. Good yeah. You?" Emily explained.

"Yeah, good. I have something for you" garcia said as she got a piece of paper out of her pocket.

"Thank you" emily said as she took the offering and put it in her pocket to read it later.

Morgan and Rossi walked in with bowls, spoons and the chocolate dessert that Rossi had made. The kids ran straight to the table when the saw the chocolate feast.

"So who wants some?" Rossi asked as he sat down.

"Me" Henry and Jack said in sync.

Rossi looked at Aaron and jj reassuring that they are allowed. They nodded so he grabbed two plastic bowls and put a spoonful of the desert in them, and gave it to the two little excited children.

Everyone had a bowl and it was silent because they were all enjoying it. Eating it slowly because they didn't want it to end.

"That was amazing" Emily explained.

"Thank you em" Rossi said.

Rossi walked to the kitchen as everyone walked in the living room clearing the table. Rossi put the bowls In the sink ready to wash up later. He looked at the package and opened it because he wanted to sort out his kitchen utensils tomorrow. He saw what it was, the spoon and placed it on the side.

Rossi walked to the living room and sat down and started chatting and laughing like a family. Henry and Jack had fallen asleep, everyone started to get drowsy and as jj stood up she fell and before anyone could save her they all went unconscious.

Rossi's front door opened and 2 men walked in seeing all the unconscious body's.

"Well he opened it, there in for a long night" the guy said as they both chuckled.

HiddenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora