Chapter 7: 'thoughts'

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The BAU team made it to LA and they put on all their gear and went to the location the Unsub was at. They got out of the SUVs every slowly and raised their guns as they walked to the lake house.

"Prentiss and Reid you go round back to the lake" Hotch whispered.

"Morgan and Rossi you cover the area just incase he escapes" Hotch whispered again.

Hotch and JJ made their way I'm the house with the LAPD police, every room was clear, the Unsub was no were near to be found. They left the premises of the house and went to go see if Reid and Prentiss had found anything.

As Emily made her way to the lake with Spencer she could see a figure standing in the water. They ran fast but quietly so the Unsub couldn't hear them.

"F.B.I put your hands where we can see them" Prentiss and Reid shouted as they walked into the water.

The Unsub drew his gun and grabbed Reid, he put a gun to his head and put Reid in front of him using him as a sheild. This made it harder for Prentiss to get a shot. Everyone else came from the house and held their guns high which caught the Unsub of guard so Prentiss swam under water and grabbed the Unsubs legs which yanked him in the dirty lake water and she put hand cuffs on him.

As she stood up she could see a little reflection of herself in the water and she could see the bruises. Her make up had washed off, she totally forgot. Standing still, frozen she didn't know what to do. She couldn't turn around, she didn't have a cover up for more than one bruise.

"Hey um Prentiss are you okay." Hotch asked.

Emily ran as fast as she could. She grabbed her keys and legged it out of there. But the one thing she knew is that she had a cover up for that.

*Morgan's POV*

What the hell had just happened with prentiss. I'm worried about her, she has never done that before. Maybe she has a fear of water... But that doesn't make any sense she has done this before.

"Hotch do you know what's up with prentiss?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"No I don't, do you think she is scared of the water?" Hotch wondered.

"No she has done this type of thing before but it was a victim not someone she knew" Morgan said with a soft low voice.

"I'm sure she's fine let's just keep positive" hotch said with a half smile.

Hotch was very worried about Emily. He loved her and he wants her to know that she has a shoulder to lean on. Wondering if he should talk to her on the plane ride home or not, maybe he should just give her some space, to sort whatever she has on her mind. Argh he doesn't know what to do. He is just going to ask her.

*Emily's POV*

I can't believe I didn't think. But it was either save my makeup or Reid, but then if they saw my face then any of them could get hurt because of the consequences. I took off to the nearest coffee shop and ran straight into the bathroom, pulled out my foundation and applied a layer on to my sore, purple face. This had been such a bad week. And the worst part I can't tell anyone about it, not even sure that I want to but the feeling that I 'CANT' feels like this problem is never going to be solved. I walked out of the bathroom like nothing had ever happened. I made my way to the plane, taking the long way round so I could get my story straight, some of them sounded dumb but you know all of them were lies anyway so it didn't really matter.

I walked onto the empty plane with relief that no one was there yet. And sat Down at the end on my own. Everyone arrived looked at me and sat, and continued with what they usually do on the plane. Hotch was walking towards me, praying, hoping he will not sit next to me, my prayers didn't come true.

"Are you okay?" Hotch asked.

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