chapter 21: 'macaroni cheese'

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As Emily returned home she jumped into the shower and in 5 minuets she was finished. She stepped out carefully so she didn't slip and went into the bedroom. She then out her hair up in a little messy bun so it wouldn't drip on her back, she dried her body with the soft, white towel. She placed a baggy, long grey shirt over her slim figure then she walked over over to her closet and was looking for what to wear. She didn't want to look to dressy as it was only a evening sitting watching friends. But she didn't want to look like a mess either. finally she found an outfit. A red top with black skinny jeans. When she finally found a outfit, she walked over to the bathroom then applied her make-up.

Aaron arrived home where he saw jack and Jessica playing trains. "Hi jess thanks for looking after jack for me" Aaron said.

"No worries" Jessica replied as she got up and grabbed her coat and bag. Gave jack a hug and Aaron a smile and walked out the door.

"Right buddy so we got to get this all cleared up as one of daddy's friends is coming over tonight" Aaron said as he bent down to jacks hight.

"Okay daddy. Who is your friend" jack asked.

"Emily" Aaron said with a smile.

"Yay! I like her" jack shouted as he jumped up and down.

"What shall we make for dinner?" Aaron asked.

"Macaroni cheese" jack said.

"Good choice buddy. I will get the ingredients ready while you clean up your trains. Deal?" Aaron said holding out his fist.

"Deal" jack replied as he touched his fist with Aaron's. {30 minuets later}

Dinner was cooking in the oven, the table had been laid, with jack sitting next to emily as he really wanted to. *knock knock*

"I will get it daddy" jack shouted as he ran to the door.

Aaron knew it was Emily Because of the woman shaped figure through the glass.

"Emmy" jack said as he hugged emily.

"Hi jack how are you?" Emily said with a smile showing her deep dimples.

"Jack buddy let the beautiful woman come in" Aaron said.

Emily smiled as Aaron said that.

They all sat down to dinner, jack sitting next to emily and asking her loads of questions. One of them making things awkward for a long minuet. "Are you daddy's girlfriend?" Jack asked.

"No sweetie were just friends" Emily said making and awkward smile.

"This is amazing food" Emily said.

Small talk was made at the table. Mostly by jack asking Emily loads of questions, Aaron was going to stop the next one but Emily gave him a 'he's fine' stare. Aaron chuckled at her look while Emily answered another one of jacks questions.

Finally jack was out to bed and he fell asleep. Then Aaron and Emily were alone, Aaron cracked open the wine and they both sat on the sofa and watched friends. They sat close together and started to talk. It went silent, and Aaron was looking at Emily.

"What?" Emily asked as she looked down to the floor.

"Your just so beautiful" Aaron said as he placed his index finger under her chin and moved her head up. He moved his head closer to hers then finally there lips touched. The kiss lasted for more than a minuet. It was like they didn't want it to end. Aaron let Emily lay down as he kissed her neck. Emily opened her eyes and she saw James. She sat up and shifted away. "No Emily! It's me Aaron" Aaron said.

"Stay away from me. I won't let you do this again" Emily shouted.

"Okay I won't" Aaron said trying to be James.

Finally Emily returned back to normal. She couldn't believe it happened again, she just thought maybe she can't have sex unless she's drunk. "I'm sorry" Emily said stopping herself from crying.

"No it's fine. Okay we're going to find James we can't have him do it again" Aaron said.

"Can I ask you for a favour?" Emily asked.

"Course anything" Aaron said.

"Do you mind if i crash here tonight" Emily asked.

"You can stay here. Your staying here until we find James okay" Aaron ordered.

"Thank you" Emily said as she smiled and kissed him softly. {morning}

Aaron and Emily headed off to work in separate cars so no one will suspect anything. Aaron was so annoyed with James and he wanted to find him before he hurt emily again.

Emily was going home to get a spear change of clothes and everyone else's was at work.

"Everyone briefing room now!" Aaron shouted.

"What's going on hotch?" Morgan asked.

"What Emily said was true. Garcia just doesn't want to believe it" Aaron said luckily Garcia wasn't there.

"Oh my god that's awful, he's actually raping her" jj said looking at the floor.

"We need to find his location before he does it again" Reid said.

"We only speak about this when emily isn't around. I don't want her knowing that we're looking for him otherwise she will try and deny it" hotch explained.

"Let's find this son of a bitch" Rossi said.

The game was on. Who will win? James or the BAU team? And what will happen to Emily.... Will she survive or die?

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