Chapter 23: 'back to reality'

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It was sunset. Emily watched with an unwavering gaze, as a fiery red orb of light slowly sank beneath the horizon, and threads of light lingered in the sky, mingling with the rolling clouds, dyeing the heavens first orange, then red, then dark blue, until all that was left of the sunset was a chalky mauve, and then that melted away in turn as Stygian darkness took over the sky. Sequin- silver stars like the glowing embers of a dying fire winked down at me, illuminating the atramentous curtain of sky, and then suddenly the clouds parted, and Emily found herself looking at lustrous argent casting brilliant rays of moonlight onto the road. The sunset was the only thing distracting Emily from what was happening.

She was tied up in the boot of the van and so was Aaron but he hadn't woken up yet. He had a little cut on his forehead that Emily cleared up. She can't believe that Aaron got taken too, it was all her fault. She should have argued with him and said she could go on her own, she just didn't try hard enough. They had been traveling for over an hour, luckily there was a window in the boot but it was blacked out you could only see from the inside no one can see if they are outside of the van. Which made things more difficult. Looking around the boot she can get something and bash the window but she knew she won't even make it out the boot and it was harder because Aaron was still out cold. Emily couldn't see who was driving the car as there was a blank of wood blocking the two front seats. But she knew that when her and Aaron didn't turn up to work they will come looking for them, but there's no leads from there angle and from Emily's angle to.

Everyone arrived to the BAU. Garcia and Morgan were the last people to arrive.

"Where's hotch and prentiss?" Morgan asked.

"I Haven't seen them at all this morning" Rossi explained.

Morgan, Rossi, jj and reid all looked at eachother all thinking the worse. Garcia was the odd one out as she didn't know what everyone was thinking about.

"He would do such a thing would he?" JJ said.

"Yes he's already done horrific things to her" Reid explained.

"Are you all going on about James. I can't believe it" Garcia said as she started to walk away.

By Morgans facial expression everyone could see he was going to blow.

"Right Garcia listen! James has been Raping Emily, over 3 times he has hurt her in ways non of us can imagine. Stop with you he isn't do anything lark because he is! I love you and you know that but your blind James is an asshole well there's more words but we have no time. And he might have kidnapped Prentiss and hotch so get a grip and let's find our family!" Morgan lectured.

It all went silent, they ere all shocked of what Morgan just said. It had been a minuet and still no one had even moved or blinked. I think Garcia was more shocked than anyone else because of there close relationship.

"Wow um okay...." Garcia said but before she could get another word out she started to cry.

"I can't believe James would do that to emily but I guess I just didn't want to believe it" Garcia said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Morgan stood forward and wiped it off. He was mad at her but not for long because he would have done the same thing. You just don't want to believe that it is true.

"Have you spoken to James recently?" JJ asked.

"Like 6 hours ago" Garcia said looking down to the floor.

"Okay so we know that hotch and prentiss haven't been kidnaped for that long then" Rossi explained.

"Can you call him and track his phone?" Reid asked.

" you want me to speak to him?" Garcia said.

"If you do, we can find them" Morgan said.

"Okay I will" Garcia said not as loud this time.

"You have to sound the same like every time you call him, otherwise he will know something is up and that's plan A out the window and right now it's the only option we've got" JJ explained.

"Okay understood" Garcia said as she walked back to her office and JJ followed.

Everyone else stood still thinking, planing inside there head.

"What else can we do to find him, we know nothing about this son of a bitch" Reid exclaimed.

Everyone looked at him in shock, as they have never really heard reid swear that much but they could see he was angry and upset. But it was Because of Emily he still liked her even though he knew her and hotch were having a thing. He was just too late.

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